Cedrines #ufo #magick eraoflight.com

The Sirians are a star race from the Sirius star system. ​​They are incredibly powerful, sharp and sovereign beings with a piercing gaze. Sirians are highly intelligent, advanced psychics and “quantum geeks” who have been helping humans evolve for millennia.
Like all of the other star races, the Sirians evolve between certain degrees of variability and reside within different realms and dimensions. The Sirians that I work with are always from the 9th to 12th dimensions so they are all ascended masters and therefore they can share the wisdom of their realm with great precision.

Scientists say that it is impossible for life to be on planets in the Sirius star system, but it doesn’t mean that life doesn’t exist because life forms don’t always need what humans need to survive, they can exist in different realms and planes of existence beyond time and space reality.
Sirians actually have three brains. The left brain, right brain and an overall brain. They are highly telepathic with advanced physic abilities. They work to help humans increase their intuition and psychic abilities as they help us anchor in more and more of these 5th-dimensional frequencies.

I perceive Sirians as a very interesting mixture of beings. Some of them live in more tribal states in communities where they gather together and go into trance states to reconnect with their planet.

With great precision, they are able to activate huge vortexes of frequencies, open portals and receive information from all over the universe simply by using their brain and their consciousness.
When the Sirian frequency comes it completely penetrates the field. It feels so strong! But there is nothing aggressive about it. People may feel aggression with this kind of energy because Sirians have such pure crystalline advanced frequency that when they come into our field and work with us, we have no choice but to rise up to the highest frequency that we have within. We cannot hide anything!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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