(beyondRepair&4everBroken) I can probably get a girlfriend but I just find it pleasurable to hate all women now
I hate them for demanding (as the price of making it "easy" for a person like me to get them in bed) to be the sort of person who dominates them. At the same time I am taught by society to worship them as angels. Men whose spirits are crushed by these contradictory demands can resolve it in hating women.
(Lonely Poorcel)
I hate all women because I can't get them.
They will exploit your good side, and take away all your liberty in the sake of the relationshit.
Never sell yourself to a women.
They are the ones who have to make a proper deal, to compensate for all the nagging and yelling that is coming.
Reality sucks my man.
There´s no perfect girlfriend either.
It´s a delusional fantasy, that can only live in a dude´s nut room.
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