Teve Deace, Todd Erzen and Aaron McIntire #homophobia #fundie mediamatters.org
TEVE DEACE (HOST): Needless to say, it has been three years. I haven't physically seen or spoken to her in two years. She has my number blocked and moved to another state with the person the government labels as her wife. Steve, all of this stuff is demonic. Satan knows that the family structure is God's greatest weapon on earth against evil. The greatest way Satan can grab dominion is to tear apart families of believers. Parents will do anything for their kids. Almost all parents would not risk losing their relationship with their kids over this, so almost all cave in and affirm[…]
TODD ERZEN (CO-HOST): I just -- through all this, you can see how patently obvious the slang that caused a lot of these people that aren't supporting this man was from the beginning. The whole love is love thing, because this is a father who's implementing a standard to keep a relationship, right relationship, to keep connection. Where is the love from the daughter? Casting all people who don't agree with you out into the leper colony? The people that raised you?[…]
AARON MCINTIRE (CO-HOST): At the time we're taping this, my son, Ben, not even two years-old, I cannot[…]I bristle at the thought of him going through something like this. Being tempted in the ways, and following through on that temptation in the ways that your daughter has been[…]I kind of understand that. But I think each of us here can think of examples of fathers -- I'm thinking of one right now, of fathers whose family, whether it's the wife or the children, have gone through something like this. And instead of turning to the direction that you turned, or staying the course that you are on, completely capitulated. And boy, howdy. You wanna talk about destruction? That guy's a shell of himself. Not a real person[…]completely sold out[…]He's a joke of a male. Just a joke of a male, and you would be too. You would be too right now, but by God's grace. And props to you, brother, you stayed on the narrow path