Lorrie Mikulski #fundie frontier.cincinnati.com

I was taught evolution as fact, but there were so many questionable theories, I never really bought into it. Evolutionists bash Creationists calling it bad science. But from a common sense view think of this. What are the odds of a big explosion forming life on this planet. There is so much order. Days and nights, seasons, years just to name a few. And what are the odds that a one cell thing could evolve into the complexities of a fly yet alone a human? And what are the odds that a single ape became human or had a human? Charles Darwin knew nothing of DNA. With DNA much of evolutionist teaching can be sent where the world is flat was sent. Also, after Mt St Helen's erupted, a canyon has appeared in Washington 1/40th the size of the Grand Canyon. It was caused by water displacement of the Spirit Lake then settling, forming the canyon. Evolution science says it would take millions of years to make this canyon, yet it was not there in 1979!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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