EmiNVS & 63daddy #conspiracy #sexist reddit.com

RE: False statistics and why they are ridiculous.


And then there’s the stuff like: Only 2% of rape accusations are false.

Like, seriously, how are these numbers believable to any rational person?

This one isn't false, its just a half truth.

Between 2 to 10% of rape accusations are PROVEN to be false.

By comparison, only around 6% of rape accusations are PROVEN to have happened (It's either 4% lower than false rape claims or 4% higher, but if we take the median for false ones, it's 6%, just as much as convictions).

The problem comes that when the first statistics is brought up, the second doesn't appear, and when the second is brought up, the other doesn't appear and all 94% of cases that did not end in conviction are considered to be guilty people left free.

Feminists with the aid of media endure their false information drowns out the facts.

Consider how many citizens in Russia think their invasion of Ukraine is justified. They think it’s justified because the information they receive is biased and controlled. Same thing.

Years ago the DOJ published a brochure showing 6 in 1,000 college students were sexually assaulted. This document is nearly impossible to find in a search. Similarly, under the Cleary Act all reports of college sexual assaults are public information and show similar results, but again almost nobody reads this information. What you are bombarded with is feminist misinformation such as the koss “study” (which counted any sex after drinking as a sexual assault).

The BLS, DOL clearly states the gender wage gap does not compare equal work, but it’s not their mission to make the public understand this, so again it’s drown out by feminist misinformation claiming it’s comparing equal work.

Over the past few years especially, it’s been no big secret that much of the media supports woke agenda and censors any conflicting factual information. Welcome to the “cancel culture.”

People don’t want to acknowledge what they've been led to believe for years is actually false.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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