Lipton Matthews #racist #wingnut
You’re black and you write for American Renaissance. What would you say to blacks and liberals who would call you an “Uncle Tom”?
I would tell critics of my ideas to stop infantilizing black people. White people can express a variety of opinions, but blacks who do not conform to mainstream views are seen as “sellouts.” I think this is one of the reasons for the lack of dynamism among black academics. Instead of producing innovative material many of them opt to comply with the prevailing consensus and as a result we end up with scores of black writers who can talk only about race.
What made you start thinking about race beyond the typical clichés?
My interest in the rise and fall of nations led me to study personality differences based on race and nationality. Some countries are rich and others are poor, so obviously all cultures cannot be equal. The strongest argument in favor of Western supremacy is that people want to migrate to Western countries. The Western world is so bad, yet most people want to live in the West.
When you read American Renaissance or Jared Taylor, with what do you most disagree?
White separatism is impractical. Whites are not ethnocentric enough to create a white ethnostate. I think American Renaissance and Jared Taylor should focus on getting other racial groups to desist from complaining and just assimilate into Western countries.
What are the chances of race realism being accepted by the mainstream in the next five years? Ten years?
Race realism does not need to be accepted by the mainstream. Race realists only require a large audience to topple the mainstream.
Do you have any final thoughts?
American Renaissance must continue to resist the tyranny of Big Tech or better yet secure funding to start a social media platform.