[to a poster who argued for sex education]
Following your reasoning; Murder is wrong, so Churches and parents should teach children and show them instructional videos, etc on the easiest and best ways to commit murder and protection (how not to get in trouble for it).
Utterly unbelievably assinine.
People have this thing called a sex-drive. Look at anyone, it's a fair bet that, at some time in their lives, they are going to have sex.
Very few people have a murder drive, and if you think everyone does, I think that says more about you than about people in general.
You're scary.
Well, murder is wrong, so I guess rcjames has a point ...
Now I understand. rcjames is a dick.
By following this 'tards reasoning, is he saying that sex is wrong?
Idiot. God said go forth and multiply. Sex is natural. For fucks sake, I just can't deal with this fool right now.
And murder is still wrong...................unlike sex, which is right(otherwise, humankind would not exist). Jokes asides, murdering a person is always bad. Even for fundies, sex is not the problem per se.
In both sex education and gun education, the objective is the same.
Don't be pointing it at a person when it goes off.
Sex education is not about how to get it, or how to do it, you total moron. It's how to avoid disease and pregnancy.
Gun eductaion would therefore be about how to handle a gun without killing yourself or someone else. Accdentally.
With both sex and weaponry, when it goes off in your face unexpectedly, some one has to clean up the mess.
But sex is not wrong. It is, in fact, crucial for our species' survival. And if done right, no one is hurt, unlike with murder. Your ball.
So sex is wrong?
Good, don't have sex.
go be fruitful and multiply, but do it without sex, because sex is murder.
yeah, that makes sense....
"Utterly unbelievably assinine."
Yes. Yes you are.
Oh, and please tell me how exactly any life that doesn't reproduce by cell division would have, y'know, survived without sex?
(That includes humans, by the way. Funnily enough, sex is where babies come from.)
@Count Spatula
Just one? Amateur. Become a repeat offender, like the rest of the cool kids.
Also...by his logic...would masturbation be suicide?
And this, you see, is where a Biblically-constrained binary view of morality gets you in trouble. All ethics is situational, but conservative Christianity considers situational ethics to be a nasty word, so instead it becomes an absurdist train wreck where everything is either Good (tm) or Evil (tm).
Not to mention Abstinence Education is like handing a kid a gun and saying "Don't shoot this."
You know the kid's more than likely to do it anyways, and the chances of someone getting hurt in the process increases dramatically.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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