various commenters #wingnut #racist
( @EmeraldRobinson )
Lara Logan was kicked out of Fox News for comparing Dr. Fauci to infamous Nazi Dr. Mengele and now even Elon Musk is calling for Fauci to be prosecuted!
Lara Logan was fearless when the rest of the world was too scared to say anything. That’s true greatness.
( @Augustwerner )
@EmeraldRobinson The only problem with her comparison is that Dr. Mengele’s alleged atrocities were based on the testimony of filthy lying jew vermin and therefore cannot be believed.
( @Zander9899 )
@EmeraldRobinson We seek out real history, truth, and dislike propaganda, right?
The Dr Mengele boogeyman story is entirely made up...
( @White_Wizardry_Wizard )
@Zander9899 @EmeraldRobinson Same with the entire HolOcAuSt.
( @TheRougarou )
Fearless because she called someone a Nazi? That is not only stupid, if not downright subversive, they are the words of a clown. I would save fearless for someone who called them what they are. Jew serving, Judas goat, betrayers. Why not name a Communist instead of a German? The reason is then you would be forced to name the jew. She is in fact a coward, as is everyone in the building.
( @1310583 )
( @White_Wizardry_Wizard )
@EmeraldRobinson Because comparing a communist jew puppet, to a national socialist is just pure aids. If you cannot see the difference and what the Nazis ACTUALLY stood for, then you're just as jewy and fucking retarded as Larry Loomer. :honk:
( @Thegoodsamaritan )
@EmeraldRobinson .....Lara Logan's an idiot, the people in charge of this regime are all Jews, yet she runs around screaming Nazi Nazi Nazi!
( @RockyBalboa76 )
@Thegoodsamaritan @EmeraldRobinson She’s not an idiot. She says what she gets paid to say. Paid by Jews.
( @JoaquinLiberi )
@RockyBalboa76 @Thegoodsamaritan @EmeraldRobinson She, as a good puppet of the Jews, launches the comparison of the rats with the "Nazis" as something horrible, so that the real criminals pretend to be offended, and thus keep the Germans (victims of the Bolshevik hordes for 80 years), as the bad ones simply for trying to defend themselves against the Jews.