Discrimination against gay people simply does not exist. To say otherwise is disingenuous at best and misleading at worst.
So you won't complain when the IRS comes a-calling concerning the trillions of dollars in tax owed by fundie Christain churches etc...?!
Because discrimination against fundies simply does not exist. [/Doug Piranha-levels of sarcasm]
DavidandJason have been happily married for several years, and nobody discriminates against them because ...well...because they live under a rock somewhere and nobody knows they exist. Or the other alternative: they do not actually KNOW any homosexuals, and do not choose to ask.
disingenuous at best and misleading at worst
FFS, the words disingenuous and misleading are synonyms.
Can someone explain to David and Jason what the word synonym means ?
Say the ones who argued that they should be legally second class citizens based upon their sexuality.
Are you saying all gay people don't like watermelon? Because that's a dirty damned lie.
@Raspberry :
Fundies have to pretend that any given word has an infinite range of equally valid meanings. It's the bedrock upon which the entirety of their apologetics are... well, "built" is a strong word due to its implications of recognisable structure and forethought but it's all I have.
How can anyone even entertain this kind of doublethink? I mean, gay people only won the right to get married just a couple of years ago, and there are still court cases of business owners trying to win the right to discriminate against them.
Given that "disingenuous" has an implication of deception and/or hypocrisy, and "misleading" is more neutral, they have that backwards.
It's true that gay people who are not openly gay aren't *visibly* discrimminated against, and these days people who are openly gay are most often so because they're safe enough that it's more of inconveniences and microaggressions and such than significant threats. That makes most of it easy to deny by those who refuse to see it. Doesn't make it not there, obviously.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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