@cpr316 #fundie #conspiracy gettr.com

Hard times are coming, Famines Are Coming. People, especially believers must be prepared. Time is running out, we have until the fall(October/November) to be prepared. This list holds essential items you may need

Courtesy of Truth unedited Ministries : https://truthunedited.com/blog/preparation-list-for-coming-world-collapse/

#globalism #newworldorder #fakenews #propaganda #nwo #depopulationagenda #globalistagenda #nationalism #wakeup #news #genocide #tyranny #trump #endtimes #dictatorship #tttnews #cnc #ccntv #pnm #unc #bananarepublic #covid #globalist #trinidad #tobago #patriots #greatawakening #truth #agenda #donaldtrump #starvation #hunger #famine #famines



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