(Pat Robertson is "remarkably pleased" with Obama, but gives Bush a low grade as President)
Are we the only ones left who see the truth?
Michael! If you don't admit that even the worst fundy can sometimes be right about something, you're no better than when they say that atheist aren't moral, even when presented with facts that state it!
That really is remarkable, Pat must be either mellowing, or getting even more senile.
The raptards of course are now denouncing Pat Robertson with almost as much vitriol as they do with Obama.
God dammit, Obama. First you shift right after the primaries. Then you pick a notably non-progressive cabinet and get Rick Warren for your inauguration. And now you've managed to get Pat "God, please assassinate Hugo Chavez" Robertson to support you.
I almost wrote in Nader, but noooooo.
Good ol' Marion "Pat" Robertson is not a preacher. He's not a politician. He's a common conman and, like any parasite, he knows better than to kill its host.
Now that Obama has won he realized that he had to step back from the hysterical "he's the Antichrist, we're all gonna get sent to Hell" crap because, he needs a flock who are just barely scared enough to keep sending him cash.
It's actually an encouraging sign. The hardcore idiotic fundies are abandoning anyone who shows any sign of reconciling with the "godless libruls". Marion "Pat" Robertson and Rick Warren are just two of many. McCain, Bush, and other prominent neocons, are failures
(according to fundy "logic") because they aren't radical enough.
With any luck we are seeing a split between the secular neocons and the pitiful rubes they exploited to gain their disproportionate amount of power.
Let's see...Obama supports separate-and-unequal status for non-heterosexuals, lies glibly about history and anthropology to support the claims of Protestant fundamentalists, supports bombing the shit out of more civilians in Afghanistan, pretends to support workers when he's been bought and paid for by Wall Street for ages...yeah, it's not a surprise that Pat Robertson likes him.
As a couple of people have commented, even a blind squirrel occasionally finds an acorn. What amazes me about the RR thread is how many of them are criticizing Robertson's comments because "Obama hasn't done anything yet."
No, he hasn't. Nor has Robertson given him any support based on that. He's based his comments on Obama's picks for a cabinet, and what few things he has done. In actuality, Robertson's comments are incredibly intelligent. I'm still having a hard time believing he really said them. Are we sure this wasn't an Onion article?
Pat Robertson likes Obama? What's the matter Pat, sucking up to the new government so that nobody starts looking at your books? Didn't Pat say that Bush was put in place by God, that he was God's chosen man to take us to the second coming? Why can't these fundies see what wolves their leaders are?
As for Joe here, he really meant "are we the only ones left who see he's a nigger?"
@Efrain: I'm also scratching my head on that one.
Joseph, I also give Bush a low grade. I can think of better ways to spend 11 billion a month.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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