BondiBlue & DietCokeAddict #transphobia

No, Colin -- the revulsion to TIMs moobfeeding IS about safety; we ARE disgusted; and no, YOU are irrational.

( BondiBlue )
The nerve of this guy to go all DARVO and accuse us of being the ones who believe in "magic-sexed souls." We are not disgusted by the thought of "a woman who 'used to be' a boy"; we know that there are no women who "used to be" boys, because you cannot change your sex. We are disgusted by males with a fetish who pretend to be us, and the corrupt medical establishment damaging children by indulging that fetish with grotesque guinea-pig experiments intended to break the bond between mother and child. We are disgusted by liars with NPD, as everyone damn well should be. This is barbaric.

Sorry, Colin: you can feel as morally righteous as you like, but your position is irrational, and it is wrong. Nothing you can do about that other than change your mind and get better.


( DietCokeAddict )
If males can breastfeed, why don’t ALL fathers do it? Or at least a majority - imagine how useful that would be!

Oh that’s right, males can’t breastfeed, and there’s no evidence they can produce anything nutritious for a baby from their male bodies, let alone anything as good as what mothers produce.

There is absolutely no reason for a man to attempt to breastfeed a baby except for his own enjoyment. That’s not irrational, that is an objective and observable fact.

And also, wtf is that about accusing US of believing in magic sexed souls?! That’s literally your entire ideology! And WE keep telling YOU it’s nonsense! Seriously I can’t even with this guy.

( BondiBlue )
His idiot defenders on the thread were saying stuff about insulin and antidepressants. Diabetics don't produce insulin naturally; depressives don't produce serotonin naturally; TIMs don't produce estrogen naturally, because (and I wanted to vomit) they're just like menopausal women, so they "need" these chemicals to be "healthy." SMH. They really do believe this is a "medical condition" rather than a psychiatric disorder and a "sexual fetish*. How the fuck do we slap "all the major medical associations" upside the head to get them to realize this is nothing whatsoever like that?!?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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