What exactly is atheism? One big flaw I find with it is, like in the big bang theory for example, where did the big asteroids or whatever it was that collided and made earth come from?
The flaw with atheism is your ignorance?
For some reason, I don't think that argument is going to make me go to church.
1. Atheism is not synonymous with science or the Big Bang Theory.
2. The Big Bang theory has nothing to do with the formation of the Earth, only with the explanation of how matter came about to reach its present position in space.
3. The matter that coalesced into Earth was from the Big Bang ultimately, though some of it may have come from supernova stars.
Do these guys think these are legitimate criticisms, or do they just go through science text books, read the pictures out of order and then ask ask irrelevant questions about what they think the pictures tell them?
3. The Big Bang theory was theorized by a Catholic priest.
It doesn't matter to these idiots. Catholics aren't real christians, remember?
Well, everyone knows that the Catholic church is the Satanist-Atheist Whore of Babylon, so he's still right.
Also, the Big Bang doesn't work, since the Bible clearly says that the world was created 6 000 years ago.
"What exactly is atheism?"
"like in the big bang theory for example"
Atheism = no god
Big bang theory = explains the origins of the universe, god may or may not have been involved.
Bonus fact: They were not fucking asteroids, there was no collision. THERE WAS NO MATTER BEFORE THE BIG BANG
"What exactly is Christianity? One big flaw I find with it is, like in the Trix commercials for example, how did the kids or whatever understand what the rabbit was saying? And why are Trix just for kids?"
That's slightly more coherent.
[What exactly is atheism? One big flaw I find with it is...]
You don't even know what atheism is, yet you find it flawed?
[where did the big asteroids or whatever it was that collided and made earth come from?]
You obviously don't understand much about the Big Bang. There's actually quite a bit of information available on the subject. I *highly* recommend Simon Singh's book "The Big Bang".
Ignorance is not an excuse, and it *definitely* isn't a viable debate tactic. Take some time, read a few books on the subjects in question, and see what you think then.
From the same 3rd-generation gas and dust cloud that the Earth (and the rest of the solar system) formed from.
Which itself was formed by an earlier supernova explosion.
Which resulted from a large 2nd-generation star reaching the end of its lifetime.
Which was, in turn, formed by a simpler gas-and-dust cloud.
Which was formed by an even earlier supernova explosion.
Which resulted from a large 1st-generation star reaching the end of its lifetime.
Which was formed by a very simple gas cloud composed almost exclusively of hydrogen and helium.
Which was created by the friggin' enormous wave of matter condensation that followed in the wake of the Big Bang.
From other galaxies perhaps.
Atheism is the lack of belief in deities. Just ask yourself whether you believe in Thor or not; that is how atheists feel about ALL gods.
Where did lightning come from, if it wasn't for Thor?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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