Andrew Anglin #sexist
[From "Consent Theory on Steroids: Harvey Weinstein Sentenced to TWENTY-THREE YEARS IN PRISON"]
This is it, kids.
You can now be sentenced to decades in prison for having sex with your girlfriend, if years afterwards she decides to say that one of the hundreds of times you had sex, she didn’t “consent.”
This is such abject lunacy that I’ve failed to fully process it. I’m trying, but trying to fit this into my brain is a square peg in a round hole type situation.
I am absolutely unable to grasp how this is real life.
Harvey Weinstein did not apologize to his victims but said he felt remorse for the men and women in the #MeToo fight before he was sentenced to 23 years in prison for sex crimes in a landmark case that ended with his accusers sobbing and hugging each other in court.
Just in case you forgot, both of those women admit to having “consensual” sex with him after this “non-consensual” sex took place.
This entire concept of “consent” is now on par with the mystery of the sphinx.
Harvey Weinstein has become a martyr.
He literally did nothing wrong.
Women deserve to be drowned in cages.
Looking back during the trial at emails he exchanged with his accusers, he said he thought they had a good friendship.
‘I’m not going to say these aren’t great people. I had wonderful times with these people,’ he said.
Yeah and I’m sure they had great times with you Harvey – when you literally fulfilled every aspect of the bargain you made with them.
Or rather: that they made with you.
Never forget: these women came to Harvey Weinstein, because he was a powerful man. They offered sex to him in exchange for professional favors. He gave them the professional favors.
Then these filthy whores decided to claim that he “raped” them – in-between sessions of non-rape sex.
Retards and faggots and retarded faggots are saying “yeah but Harvey Weinstein is a grotesque Jew so he deserves this.” These people are apparently too dumb to understand the obvious fact that this is the entire point of this whole circus: you had to have a grotesque figure that disgusted everyone in order to set this precedent.
They literally passed out pictures of the guy naked to the jury, even though it had absolutely nothing at all to do with the case.
I don’t know what to tell you.
This is the situation that we are now all in.
Jew lawyers are all now going nuts saying that they’re going to start mass prosecuting new cases they couldn’t prosecute before.
What that means is that right now, as you sit here reading this, any woman you have ever had sex with can call the cops and have you sent to prison. She can have you sent to prison for twenty-three years. Based on absolutely nothing other than her word.
Existence itself is becoming nonviable.