Archangel Michael via Ronna Vezane #magick #ufo

My brave ones, it is time for everyone to awaken to the fact: HUMANITY AND THE EARTH ARE IN THE MIDST OF AN ACCELERATED EVOLUTIONARY PROCESS. The Supreme Creator is radiating throughout the Omniverse the full spectrum of Divine Light.

This powerful, pure Light is filtering through each Great Central Sun, the mansion world of the Cocreator God of each universe, and then out into every level of Creation.
Your DNA, your chakra centers and your Sacred Heart and Mind contain your new Divine Blueprint. As you integrate more of the higher frequency Memory Seed Atoms of God consciousness, all the distortions and imperfections that you have created from the concepts you have accepted as your truth are slowly being rectified. Many of these lower frequency concepts are being filtered into your conscious awareness to be healed or eliminated. We understand that this can be an uncomfortable, disconcerting process.You have a SACRED CENTER OF EXISTENCE within your Sacred Heart, called your DIAMOND CORE GOD CELL for this Sub-Universal experience.
You have around you an etheric Third- / Fourth-Dimensional GRAND TRIANGLE OF EXISTENCE, which contains the Pillar of Light and the Cross of Matter that you have built down through the ages.
You exist in a GOLDEN OVOID (a HOLOGRAM) which expands and radiates more and more Divine Love-Light as you resonate with higher and higher frequencies of consciousness.
You have harmonized your personal Seven Seals of higher consciousness and thereby activated your physical ROD OF POWER. You are now in the process of clearing and refining your cosmic column of Light so that you may exist in a world of your own making, which consists of the three higher sub-planes of the Fourth Dimension. Most of you who have faithfully followed our teachings have tapped into a stream of frequencies composed of a variety of entry level, Fifth-Dimensional frequencies, as well as a small trickle-down stream of Light from the Sixth Dimension.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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