To RedtowninBluesta: I'm sure there were lots of homosexual men at Normandy, in the space program, serving in the Coast Guard, standing sentry at American Embassies, etc. But why is it news? Civil rights? Who gets to define civil rights? Am I entitled to a house? To marry my cat? Free health care? Where does it end?
You are entitled to buy a house if you have the money for it. You cannot marry your cat because your cat cannot marry you. You should get free health care...but, well, some people don't care for that idea. Civil rights end when people are treated as equally, in regards to the justice system, employment, education, government represenation, and legal protection as is reasonably possible. If you want something other than that, I am not sure that I could stomach hearing what it is....
The government, as the civil authority, defines civil rights, and, we, the people, influence the government in its defining process. Human rights are another question.
Yes, you should be entitled to housing.
No, I don't think you should be able to marry your cat, but onlt because the cat cannot give informed consent.
Yes, you should be entitled to free or nearly free health care.
It's no "Where does it end" that I'm concerned with, it's when does it start?
Free health care? That would be stupid. Especially since in the U.N. declaration of human rights, Article 25, it certainly doesn't say that all people, “[Have] the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing, and MEDICAL CARE.”
But yeah go fuck yourself and whatever.
Who gets to define civil rights? In a democracy, the citizens do.
Are you in need of health care after visiting a cat house?
The United States is the only wealthy, industrialized nation that does not have a universal health care system.
- Wikipedia. And yes, there is a citation.
Your entitled to the first one, to a degree, not the second one, and in some countries, the third one. And your rights end when they start encroaching upon the rights of others. There, I hope I've answered you well enough.
Civil right are defined in some places by law. This is quite common the the European Union, a fairly civilized place, to be sure, by overarching Directives that issue from the Union's central administrative function in Brussels. The member states' own governments also have national laws that cover the situation.
In general you can take it that fairness, decency and wisdom are applies. Gays are recognized as human beings who have the same rights as anyone else to lead proper and productive lives.
In a tiny village in rural France, my partner of 30 + years and I live quite openly, and there is no question that we are valued members of our small community. In my home country I would have even more going for me with legislation that protects all citizens against prejudice and aggression, whatever the source of that prejudice may be. And no. The Bible is not an excuse for breaking the law. Neither is lunatic right-Wing Christianity, which normally, it seems, in America masquerades as religion.
As to free health care, it is surely an unchristian attitude to deny to others life-saving healing when they have no money to pay for it. Try re-reading your Jesus's parable of the Good Samaritan. It's application is universal, yet you have just set yourself against the application. Some Samaritan you are!
Who gets to define civil rights?
In America that job goes to our elected officials acting on behalf of the express wishes of their constituencies. I guess if you were in control civil rights would come and go at the behest of Father Kiddie McDiddler.
Am I entitled to a house?
Not unless you plan on paying for it.
To marry my cat?
Don't look down it. That may very well be your best path to getting some pussy.
Free health care?
Not in this country. Try Canada or Great Britain.
Where does it end?
Civil rights never matter how much you and your ilk want to keep the rest of us under your divinely inspired thumb.
After Pyroclasm:
"I think I'll have the word salad, garcon . What are the dressings?"
"Vairy good, m'sieur. We 'ave today ze Rapublican dressing, ze Libertarian dressing, ze Damocratic dressing, ze Gren Party dressing, ze American Nazi Party dressing, and ze bleu cheese."
"Hmm. Bleu cheese is fattening. I think I'll take the Republican, please."
"Vairy good, m'sieur."
If the cat is sentient and can speak, then yes.
I approve of cat-human interspecies marriages.
I wait for the day california makes it legal so my speaking sentient genetically engineered cat Poopy and I can marry. I fear that the lifespan difference may hurt potential future of our love, though.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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