They need to line all you queers up, and gun you down like the social trash you are. I only wish his Father had two ball bats. I also know, this comment won't be up for long because we now live in the United States of the Offended. You stupid liberal socialists better recognize where you are, which is the buckle of the bible belt. His Father did the right thing. His son's nothing but a little pervert, sexual deviant, given over to a reprobate mind.
"I also know, this comment won't be up for long "
Well, one out of a hundred ain't.... no, it's actually pretty pathetic. Die In a Fire.
"They need to line all you queers up, and gun you down like the social trash you are."
As a straight person, I have to say that's a terrible idea and you should STFU.
Big, fat, white-trash, trailer-dwelling, truck-up-on-blocks, beer-bellied, filterless-cigarette smoking, wife-beating, child-abusing, deep-fried-everything eating, nose-picking, toothless fucking moron. Typical redneck tough-guy.
If you think he's the only gay person in Anderson, you need to think again. I have several gay friends in the Upstate and maybe, just maybe, they don't take too kindly to being beaten up round these parts. Yeah, I live in the Bible Belt.. also pretty sure in my Bible it says "thou shalt not kill"
fact: Jesus is the only major character in the Bible who never begat anything.
fact: Paintings, well beardless paintings, make Jesus look like a girl.
fact: Jesus is often depicted gazing, lovingly, into the eyes of a man.
fact: Jesus frequently blathered on about how he "loved his disciples". All twelve of them.
fact: It is written that Jesus went amongst the whores and never got laid.
fact: Jesus was obsessed with bread and wine.
fact: Jesus is typically the lead character in Christian musicals. Singing, dancing and vamping it up.
fact: Jesus was a pacifist.
fact: Jesus' alleged father allowed him to be tortured to death.
fact: Jesus wore sandals and dresses.
These facts lead to two conclusions. Jesus was gay and his "fag hating", alleged, father punished him.
This would also explain the anti-homosexual rantings of the Psycho-Christians. I imagine that discovering one's savior is a lisping, sway-hipped, limp-wristed, promiscuous (12 disciples!), sissy would cause some anger. And, since these wackos believe they will go to Hell for renouncing Mary's Nancy-boy they feel compelled to worship what they most despise. No wonder they're all nuts.
You’re a spineless murder-apologist, Dixieman, who nonetheless squeals like a dying pig when his comments are taken down for violating a site’s terms of service. (And here I thought assholes like Dixieman were all for the free economy, which would allow for vendors to discriminate at will.)
That was fantastic!
I also know, this comment won't be up for long because we now live in the United States of the Offended.
Yeah, this stupid age of PC where you can't even advocate the massacre of a whole minority group without everyone getting riled up. It's all the commie atheists' fault:D.
nonetheless squeals like a dying pig when his comments are taken down for violating a site’s terms of service.
:Gasp: Self-censorship! To the barricades! Reproduce the censored material en masse ! Spam sig banners! Fight for the USA's freedom of speech-- what's that? The offended party wasn't a Muslim?
without us queers fewer of you "atraights" would be alive.
We contribute more, get less, and still wipe your bums when you are incapable.
wher can I buy a couple of dozen of them batz
Judging by your words, I think you could use some lessons in kindness, acceptance, and not judging others. Might I suggest the teachings of Jesus Christ? You seem to be unfamiliar with him.
Kkkhristian love!!!
People may not have the right to be offended, per se, but you when you are making tasteless statements about how you should freely slaughter a group of people...well...we have a right to tell you that a heartless douchebag who needs to STFU.
That's what blind religion will do to a family.
You, and that boy's father, need to be stoned. In public.
"I also know, this comment won't be up for long because we now live in the United States of the Offended."
Yeah, damn those pussy-ass queers for taking a strong stance against people making death threats. Except, libruls are also soft on crime. I guess it only counts when they're hard on crimes OTHER people commit. Like, dark-skinned people.
"His son's nothing but a little pervert, sexual deviant, given over to a reprobate mind."
Even if this were true, what, exactly, do you think beating him up is going to accomplish?
Is there a "Seriously, This Guy Had To Have Been Molested To Be This Angry" Award?
Not by a gay man, of course. By a child predator. But still...what happened to him? I'm guessing he doesn't know anyone whose gay.
I, for one, disagree.
We should not be wasting precious ammo on things Aids can kill.
Instead, we should be focusing on killing the Jews.
'His son's nothing but a little pervert, sexual deviant, given over to a reprobate mind.'
That describes most fundies I can think of, just like you, fucktard!
thius waste of materiel thinks that us queers will just line up meekly while he (and his pals - he needs pals to feel safe) blast us to oblivion.
Wake upi douchebag, we can fight back, and we will. And except when you outgun us or ambush us when we're alone, we're likely to win
I love it when people like this claim America is exactly what it isn't. It's a democratic republic. Minorities are protected from the majority. People aren't 'gunned down.' Religion doesn't dictate law. So, yeah, of course the liberals are the ones who are anti-American...
And, yes, going after someone with a baseball bat is just... sheer cowardice. Not to mention reprehensible, barbaric, and sick.
See, this is why I don't live in the South. Lots of nice people, I'm sure.....
But I swear to the great noodly appendage, some of the most ignorant, back water, racist, toothless fucks live there.
Why the hell would I want to live around the asshole of this nation?
This guy probably molests horses and sheep.
You want to commit mass murder, and we're the fucked up immoral ones. You condemn a child being honest with himself and his family, and support his father assaulting him, and throwing him out on the street with nothing but the clothes on his back? You, you inbred, goat-molesting, sister chasing twunt, are lower than pond scum. You are an affront to humanity as a whole.
It will not last long because, if you offend and threatened people with death, comments don´t last long, be it against gay or whatever.
Thou shalt not kill, where did I read that? Oh, I do believe it was in the Bible, which ought to be the Guide Book for the Bible Belt. But what do I know?
His Father is more to blame than he, as "queerism" is congenital or hereditary (whichever is the right phrase).
You seem to have a strange political system over there. Over here the Socialists are on the left-wing, and the Liberals are on the right-wing. But maybe yours is a more harmonious society, where everyone works together?
let me guess: a mustache, lots of rifles, dead animals throughout your house, fat, alcoholic, and you get spat on in public because they find you that disgusting you stupid
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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