William Tong #crackpot #conspiracy quora.com

( Part 1 )

Although I've never had a personal experience with Sasquatch, I firmly believe in their existence. I'm not a man prone to gullibility or fanciful whims; there is simply too much evidence if one knows where to look and what to discard as false. Thousands of eye witness accounts universally describe them as fearsome, noisy, aggressive, and deadly. There are also accounts of indescribably “friendly” Bigfoot that will leave “gifts” if you leave them food. The Snohomish, Salish, and other First Nation tribes more or less co-existed peacefully with Sasquatch, worshipping them as gods. To this day their legends speak of respecting and fearing the Sasquatch and never doing any harm whatsoever to them. The Utes and Navajo speak of Sasquatch as aggressive and evil. Many of their legends tell of hairy giants stalking, stealing, and eating young children. So much so that many tribes finally allied and suffered hundreds of casualties driving the Sasquatch clans all the way up to the wastes of northern Canada.

Nationwide, many people disappear in National Parks. When their bodies are found, at times they had suffered massive injuries akin to a high speed car wreck… whilst hiking in the middle of the woods. Law enforcement is always quick to claim it was a bear (whatever flavor seems to be present in that region) and any civilians with knowledge of the event are intimidated and harassed by Federal agents into silence. While certainly not EVERY disappearance can be attributed to foul play by Hairy Jack, there are enough so that even the Feds (affectionately referred to as MOB or Men In Black) cannot plug every leak.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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