“As a doctor, you can”
Could. No longer. There were effective dates in the link.
“make an extra $250,000 a year by pushing the Covid shots.”
TO members of a particular insurance company.
Three years ago.
About six months after I got my first shot.
And only for first-time vaccinated.
What this tells me, if it’s true, was that Anthem insurance felt that shots and those bonuses were a LOT cheaper than paying for the care of stupid people as they wheezed to death, alone, many of them regretting not getting the jab when they had the chance.
And this calculus ONLY works if the company thinks the vaccines prevent death more than they cause it.
It’s not a conspiracy or even brain surgery, just greed. Corporate, practice, doctor, all looking for the best position to bet on. And that’s vaxed.
"Maybe that’s why some doctors don’t spend enough time looking at the safety data.”
The program expired, dumbass. Pretty sure the money’s been spent. So there’s no incentive to conspire against the interest of their patients any more.
What’s the alternative? One insurance company wanted people to collect survivor’s death benefits before they had fully invested in a life insurance plan?
And paid extra money in order to pay extra money?
And ONLY incentivized killing the clients THEY were responsible for?
Holy crap, you’re too stupid to be trusted with facts. Luckily, you’re immune to them.