Nephtali1981 #fundie #conspiracy

In 2025, Fallen Angels are trying to tell you that they can unlock your brain’s true potential. Fallen Angel Technology is claiming that they can unlock your true potential, that you are a flawed creation, and that they can make you better, they can make you immortal, they can provide you eternal life outside of Jesus Christ. In Genesis 1.27 we see, so God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him, male and female created he them, but you fast forward it into the garden of Eden and you see how Satan was quickly able to deceive Eve.
Ever since that fall, you’ve seen constant attempts by fallen angels, by entities, right, described in Ephesians 6.12, strongholds, they’re at constant war with humanity, this is why when you look around, take a look around when you even go to the supermarket, look at the faces of people, when you go to the workplace, look at the faces of people, there are times that I’m just walking by and looking at another human being and we look at each other and we don’t even have to talk but we’re saying what we all feel, we’re feeling that tension that you can cut it with a knife in the air.
Satan is not omnipresent, Satan is defeated and because he’s not omnipresent through AI and technology, he’s trying to create his own little version of what he would think it is and even with that it’s still flawed, very flawed, doesn’t even compare even a tiny percent to the real thing. But via technology, he wants to monitor what you watch, what you see, <...> and in doing so he can study you and in studying you he knows how to attack you and in attacking you he knows what to say and he comes as an angel of light and he says the things you like to hear and he even knows how to tickle your ear with different ministries and different topics and different things and he even comes in the name of Jesus with the word of Jesus but then when you start looking at things you realize that what they’re teaching is new age.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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