CelibatePower #sexist #fundie reddit.com
The destructive power of the feminine force.
Some might think, I am sounding a bit anti-woman. But for the sake of ones own progress in life, hear me out. This is written about extensively by SWAMI SIVANANDA.
I must unserstand that the clarity of all that is Good in consciousness comes from abstaining from the woman. See, I find indulgence in passion, real or imagined leads to degredation.
Then comed the question.."Do I want to be a vessel of Divinity..?".. "Or partake in the indulgence of ego." - For when we partake OF the woman, the seal of spiritual power is sliced, depending on the depth of indulgence.
Good, Bad, I'm the Guy with the Gun.
The "Gun" being - "The Power." - the power is like a cup filled with everlasting life. It is pureed to the tilt. One mis-step can lead a spill in the drop of life. The "Pretty" faces we see in our day to day life can easily cause us to "mis-step" with our cup of everlasting life.
Being overly emotional, or even slightly passionate in the beginning stages of the 'path' can cause a drop in the everlasting life. Mindfulness of our thoughts is paramount. Holding our 'cup' as we traverse forward, getting stronger each day.
Some fools re-joice in the presence of the lady. Their hearts jump when she bats her eyelashes and throws her hair. These same fools who hold their cup of life would give their power away in the blink of an eye.
The womans presence can often have a man question his lifes direction. WHAT is more important to you? Steadfastly focusing with white-lighted intent forever burning into the timeline of life with your purpose?
Or using your power to be given away to a lovers fling? This is the decision we all must make.
Blessed and righteous..
Is he who holds his power and integrity for himself. You cannot fake 'the power' - it is only given and accumulated with time and purpose, mindfulness in the midst of the feminine presence and what not.
Today, a righteousman is few and far between. Bombarded with imagery of concubines the the 'other' life that leads to dependency and misery.
Be the man with the gun. Righteous walk, righteous talk, and righteous intention.
Rise above the woman.
The true nature of man is to lead. Rise above the devils that have taken hold of our minds. Kick down the exhaulted image of woman. The false idol that has been put above us. Destroy that Golden-godess image and walk forward.
Never give the temptress what they want. They are the tools of the devil. Get them out of your way. Let the temptresses that feed off trickery and attention be trampled and bombarded by our boots of righteousness.
Even with the power, we develop the senses of discernment. We discern righteous women who loom youthful and fully of life. Be cautious. Assert domimance and put them to work. They have much to prove in this life.
Walk the path of light. Do not fantasize about romantic notions and bullshit that will tie you down. If a woman cannot be chaste, cannot back your play, or get behind and support you, kick her out of your way. Cast her down to the weak and unrighteous.
Walk your rignteous path of power and achievement. Be free. In the days of old, the women tended the gardens, prepared the food, maintained the household, weaved baskets, and other womanly duties. Such is her place.
The men fought. Killed. Hunted. Built structures and negotiated the deals. And lead the family. Nothing has changed from our primitive instincts other then technology softening the man.
Kick the notion of woman down and become the strength. The blood. The power. The force. Through clear mind, clear will, a chaste heart. Assert domimance once again like the days of old.
Some may think i sound incel or anti-woman. I ask you this. Do men share bunks with women in boot-camp? Tyson fury, world champion boxer, did not see his wife for 3 months in preparation for training for his comeback fight.
Some of us have squandered away many years in lust, clouding our judgement from the path. I am not anti-woman. But i feel sometimes sacrafices must be made for the greater good of your progress.
When Rocky was training to fight, he and Adrian started to get hot and heavy. Then he stops her and says "I cant" - "I need everything I got." (Or something along those lines) - So sometimes laser focus is needed to accomplish good things. She backed his play and supported him every step.
This does not mean you have to be an 'incel' (a derogatory remark coined for men trying to improve themself) - what about 'volcel' / voluntarily celibate for a time being to transcend the lower states, and rise above the bullshit?
The sexual / porn haze can leave a man stunted for a while, and even in recovery the day to day interactions can lead him following ego and lust while perusing interactions with the woman. Why not give it a break..?