(about the statue of the virgin mary breastfeeding jesus)
It seems to me that they are doing it on purpose. Almost like they are challenging God. Look! I say all religions are the same. Look! I say that it is OK to show Mary's breast! Look! Look! Look!
Oh the humanity!
But that is it, isn't it? That's what's upsetting them. They think there's just something wrong with depicting human beings as such.
No doubt they're upset that they even have to depict bodies in the first place. If only they could paint or sculpt the abstract platonic form.
Haha, what a mess of repression those people are, to even waste 5 seconds' thought on this. Quotes from that thread :
"Up until this generation did anyone breast feed in public" ?
Mary "co-redemptrix" - so she's not a dominatrix, but pretty close I guess.
"It seems to me that they are doing it on purpose. Almost like they are challenging God. Look! I say all religions are the same. Look! I say that it is OK to show Mary's breast! Look! Look! Look!"
What did you expect? I don't think you could run down to the corner store and buy baby formula 2000 years ago.
I personally would have gone with a sculpture of Mary changing a diaper with Joseph in the background swooning from the stench.
I think it depends on the hearts of the people, who made that painting.
Though I do think that statue may be inappropriate, but maybe they mean well?
Sigh...what does Mary have to do with God, how is this any different from the long history of art depicting Madonna with child, how are religions NOT all the same, and why would it not be OK to show Mary's breast? Oh, that's right...because you are thin-skinned fundie with a persecution complex, and undue expectations to how well their religion needs to be treated in order to not feel like the world is out to get them. That's why, isn't it?
Stop it. You're making the Baby Jesus hungry.
Oh, look. Look look look. See Spot.
Spot Mary's breast. See the baby Jesus
oh, dick!
Personally, I'm kind of grossed out by breastfeeding, too, but who cares? Jesus probably had to eat, too, even as a baby, and they didn't have formula back in the day.
I'm looking.
I'm doing a couple other things too.
lulz aside, I don't know what this guy is talking about. All religions are the same... look ... looklooklook.. I don't get it.
Hey asshole, up until well into the 20th century, effective baby formulas simply weren't available. Babies that, for whatever reason, did not have access to breast milk simply DIED, in huge numbers. Only something like one in five managed to survive on the substitutes of the day.
You, asshole, are the product of many, many, many women who breast fed their children without shame. Your Victorian values do not change this, they only attempt to heap shame on your grandmothers.
And I hope they spanked you plenty, dumbass.
Oh noes! Not using the breast for its natural purpose that's not pleasing to men! For fucks sake, do you believe plastic bottles and formula were around in Mary's time? If you're a woman, I feel sorry that you hate your own sex so much. Breasts are not "dirty" no matter what your pastor tells you. Grow up and stop being such a mess of repression.
I saw the Velazquez painting "Pause on the Flight into Egypt". You must be familiar with that story, right? Mary is breastfeeding the baby Jesus in a somewhat idyllic scene, and it didn't bother me at all.
"Up until this generation did anyone breast feed in public, especially in front of men not their husband?
Is this only natural for this generation as we get used to anything goes?"
yes, actually. Until a couple hundred years ago everyone breastfed in public, much more commonly and openly than we do today. this is because it was not until more recently that people started obsessing about breasts that it became taboo. everyone else thinks/thought of them as baby-feeders first and sex objects second.
Up until this generation, everyone breastfed. Formula has not been around since the dawn of time. It's a fairly recent invention. And, while I firmly support the use of it if one chooses or has to, it doesn't change the fact that women's breasts are made for feeding their children.
Just because you are obsessed with sex does not mean mothers cannot feed their children naturally.
Jesus suckled Mary's breast, if he existed. There is no other way he would have survived infancy 2,000 years ago.
JenGC must be mad with passion if a statue's breast is so upsetting. Why not have a wank and the drive will diminish for a while, at least.
A woman breastfeeding her child is the most natural thing in the world. Nothing sexy about it at all. If you find it offensive or disgusting, let me remind you that most likely you once sucked on a woman's breast for life's sustinence. Most of us have. Sad, therefore that you find the most natural thing in the world disturbing. You must be terribly warped in your mind. I am so sorry for you
Well obviously Jesus was born already an adult (poor Mary) and eating hamburgers, dealcoholized wine, speaking English, blonde haired and blue eyed.
Sheesh people, read your (fundie) bible
Actually, it's possible Jesus could have ben fed with a bottle and milk from some other creature, a cow or a goat. They did it under certain circumstances even back then.
But it's most likely Jesus was breastfed.
You friggin amaze me.
You fundies can’t even agree on how to imagine your imaginary best friend. You have wet dreams of him beating up other gods, and taking you to some mansions in the sky, and sitting under trees while you fawn over him like some fuckmook version of gospel-meets-romance novel. You tell yourselves that he’s all these things, but heaven forbid he’s ever portrayed with any humanity. You negate that if he was real with or without the whole divinity angle that he was a man, and therefore someone’s son; a baby who once suckled at his mother’s breast. Oh no that could never be thought of. You negate any humility, humanity or ounce of commonality the Faithful might reach with this figure.
And yet you have the temerity to laugh off the possibility of other gods like Thor, for example, who in his stories rode in a cart pulled by goats (a poor man’s animal because it didn’t give wool like sheep, but did give more milk). Thor would visit people and if they had no food to offer in hospitality to their guest would kill his goats so they all could feast. I mean imagine that giving up your mode of transportation to feed people who had nothing but still offered a stranger the roof over their heads. That’s some goddamn “Gift of the Magi” shit right there. (a short story by O. Henry)
You, fundie, laugh at such things as nonsense while you have a character who should be a very model of political reform and the betterment of your societies by grassroots efforts and taking prayer out of the hands of government appointed priests and making it something between you and the godhead; “rendering unto Caesar” and all. But no, you turn that idea into some sort of sexless Ubermensch whose main attributes include petty jealousy, temper tantrums and some weird-ass end of the word Clockwork Orange/Sam Peckinpah/Quentin Tarantino UltraViolence circle jerk.
And you wonder why people don’t give you an ounce of credit and think you’re all idiots.
Sorry for the rant, gang. But damn.
Smiting innocent, blood, gore, incest - A'Ok!
What a bunch of schmucks.
“It seems to me that they are doing it on purpose.”
An artist wants their art SEEN?
Did you stay up all night for this insight?
“ Almost like they are challenging God.”
Oh. My. God.
Jesus came to earth as a human, right? MAYBE the author is trying to help people understand Jesus as something we can sympathize with ?We’ve all been babies.
They get breastfed. They get diapers changed. THIS is humanizing, not grandstanding.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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