DestroyDe & Napoleon de Geso #racist #sexist

If you are not a White nationalist, you and your opinions are irrelevant.

The only meaningful debate in the modern world is the debate on whether White people should be punished and exterminated for our alleged """racism""" or that we deserve to survive and control our own destiny.
Literally no one cares about your fringe economic ideas. The System is not capitalist or communist. The elites do not give a shit whether they rule through money or state power. But all of them agree that White people, particularly the working class rednecks, must be dehumanized, humiliated, and ultimately replaced by spics and Africans.

If you agree with this policy, then your opinion is not entirely irrelevant. But you are merely an NPC parroting the lines of the elite and thus, you may as well be an inanimate propaganda machine.
If you stupidly think that you are principled for not "taking a side" in the only discussion of importance, then you are no different than the Russians who "didn't take a side" in the Russian civil war and ended up being subsumed by the actual political struggle that was going on.

(Napoleon de Geso)
White females need be punished and exterminated



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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