dosor1871 & westscottstots #racist #wingnut

RE: Reddit


I frankly dont give a shit that someone makes fun of me or my country, because I'm not black or jewish

I'm yet to see a Jewish person to be offended by someone making fun of them

criticize israel = jews flip out

Yeah, Israeli Jews tend to be quite easy to offend, but most others will make jokes about the Holocaust themselves

In eastern europe for sure. Ever been around western european or american jews? Especially academic ones. Fragile as shit

The west tends to do that to you it seems


Whenever I meet a foreigner in Serbia they are surprised by how hospotable we are. Apparently we are unironically painted as genocidal maniacs in their media. I literally can't think of a safer country

Eastern Europe is literally the last place on any w*sterners list of places to visit until they end up there and act all high and mighty for finding a “hidden gem”



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