BlackCirce & TheKnitta #transphobia

RE: Gender Ideology, Queer Theory, and Identity Politics are based on Post-Modernism not Liberalism

( BlackCirce )
Yeah I kinda bristle at the usage of liberal feminist to mean transfeminists or “intersectional” feminists or postmodern feminists. I’m not really sure what they should be called but they are definitely not liberal and the ones I know personally openly despise liberals. I usually say social justice (sj) feminists. It’s hard to even call them feminists because their stated goal is making everyone equal / liberated which doesn’t have anything to do specifically with women. I’ve also toyed with the idea of calling it post-feminism since if women don’t really exist, feminism is not necessary.

( TheKnitta )
That’s a good point. I’m quick to yell when people blame genderwoo on ‘the left’ that it’s not the real left, but I’m very guilty of using ‘liberal feminism’. The very term ‘liberal’ has been as mangled and perverted as the term ‘feminism’ in the current world we inhabit, and neither mean what the dictionary says.

‘Faux-feminists’ works well enough, although it’s very negative.



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