I see nothing wrong with a nation wanting to preserve its culture. I would hate to see London become another New York. We should be thankful for conservatives, including the white nationalists, as they keep the liberals from turning us into a country that would only allow free speech if they found it agreeable, try to push Christianity to the sidelines, and encourage behavior and lifestyles that were considered immoral for centuries.
We should be thankful for liberals, including the LGBT activists, as they keep the conservatives from turning us into a country that would only allow free speech if they found it agreeable, try to push Christianity to the center, and oppress things like atheism and homosexuality as "immoral behavior and lifestyles" as they have done for centuries.
I remember having ones spoken to a guy in the YouTube comments who also talked about preserving culture, even if he didn't talk that way about it. I then talked to him about things we preserve now that conservatives clearly hated and used abstract expressionism and new objectivity as examples. It suddenly turned into an epic rant on how horrible abstract expressionism was.
Never been to America but what's wrong with NY as opposed to London? From what I've heard they have exactly the same good points and bad points, apart from the thing about people saying 'Fuck you!' instead of 'Hello', which I don't believe anyway.
The problem comes when someone isn't trying to preserve the nation's culture, but trying to impose their own... Pretending that THEIR take is what IS the nation's culture.
The US has always been a mongrel nation, shifting with changes from without and within. This 'immoral for centuries' behavior becoming acceptable IS American culture, wingnut.
Few, if any, nations have one single distinct culture.
We humans have always liked to travel and experience new things, and to bring back the best of what we've experienced. After tens of thousands of years of this, in more and more parts of the world as time went on, we have elements of other cultures interspersed in almost all cultures.
We should NOT be thankful to people who want to cull this innate human trait, especially not the ones who have some stupid idea that one skin-tone is somehow better than all other.
The Narcissist-in-Chief in the US is screeching about restricting free press, and only allowing those who write what he find agreeable. He hasn't a religious bone in his body, and he's a self-proclaimed sexual abuser and predator. You were saying...?
Everything comes and goes. Both homosexuality and sexual freedom have been considered perfectly normal and natural for centuries in history, too.
As opposed to people like you that want to push your particular version of Christianity to center stage while forcing all other faiths into the shadows, encourage behavior that is dickish and self-righteous and lifestyles that are repressed an miserable, and would crush anything resembling free speech under your jackboot.
I think I'll take the people that will let me be myself and give me at least some leeway in how I conduct my life. You people are assholes.
Damn... beat me to it.
Chicken Tikka Masala is officially Britain's national dish.
It was invented in Glasgow. Just as Chop Suey was invented in America.
Chicken tikka masala is served in restaurants around the world, including Indian restaurants in Britain and North America
Your call.
Also, via the likes of Thomas Mair, National Action etc, since last year Nazis are officially terrorists : by the Conservative government.
But then, WWII made sure of that. [/Battle of Cable Street]
Not seeing same-sex marriage murdering people; a certain law in 2013 via the Church of England clergy peers in the House of Lords dropping their opposition to S-SM & rubber-stamped by MPs in Parliament; including those of the Labour Party. Just ask one of their members who has a Fatwa out on him for his pro-LGBT policies:
Enjoy your MC Escher-esque multi-dimensional paradox.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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