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Martin Bright, who was once an advisor to British PM Tony Blair and a former Observer journalist, has described his shock after he witnessed antisemitic abuse.

Bright says he witnessed Henrietta Foster being told by another guest to “get back in the over”, a reference to the extermination process during the Holocaust.

The other guest is reportedly Dr Leslie Jones, who made the comment in reference to Foster having appeared on a documentary called “My Nazi Legacy”, which examines the lives of children of Nazi officers.

Ms Foster believes that the incident happened because Dr Jones believed her to be Jewish, stating: “We had fallen out at a previous reception over Brexit – I told him to **** off because he had voted out. Then he came over to me last Thursday and said, “You were in that film, weren’t you””.

Dr Jones insisted the comment was “a joke” after being confronted by another guest.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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