Kenyetta Tunne #fundie #moonbat

The construct of ‘white people’ was invented solely for the purpose of oppression.

Atheists attack the concept of god because they believe it hurts society, but ignore the social construction of ‘whiteness’.

The concept of ‘white people’ was invented by the English ruling-class. That’s evidenced history.

Atheists say god in an invention that is bad for society, but ignore that the concept of ‘white people’ is an invention that is bad for society.

It was invented for division during the colonial period, and still functions for division today.

Atheists have one set of ethics they use to deconstruct the concept of god, and a completely different one to deconstruct the concept of ‘white people’.

That is selective ethics.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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