“The concept of ‘white people’ was invented by the English ruling-class.”
No. I’m pretty sure the concept of white people was first invented hundreds of thousands of years ago when one tribe of humans noticed that they were a different skin pigment than those of that other tribe of humans.
Also what the hell did the Native Americans call Europeans for centuries before the English ruling-class decided to invent the concept? Oh right, they called them the “White man,” because you know, their skin pigment just happened to be white.
“That’s evidenced history.”
Get your tuition money back from whatever university taught you that. Also get a dictionary and look up the definitions of “evidenced” and “history,” because you’re clearly applying them wrongly in this instance. The term you’re looking for is: “Conspired theory.”
You attribute way too much power to the “English ruling-class,” What next? Banking and interest were invented by Jews to specially extort money from the Aryan race? Oh wait, you probably already think something like that.
“but ignore that the concept of ‘white people’ is an invention that is bad for society.”
Do you know what’s also bad for society? Black criminality. But if I might be called a racist if I said that, even though crime statistics point to it definitely existing.
“It was invented for division during the colonial period, and still functions for division today.”
And guess you is keep that division alive and well today? Oh right, people like you. I’m willing to bet that you would be the first to call for self-segregation and denounce mixed-race marriages with those “white people” that you claim are merely social constructs. Also if white people are a social construct, how can you possibly extort reparations for slavery from something that’s just a social construct?
Also I’m pretty sure the colonizers used guns and steel and ships. They didn’t need to invent words and write dictionary definitions to maintain their power, especially considering that the people they were oppressing couldn’t normally read their language.
“Atheists have one set of ethics they use to deconstruct the concept of god, and a completely different one to deconstruct the concept of ‘white people’.”
I’m not sure why you’re asking atheists to join you in your paranoid racist delusions. Unlike God, there is sufficient evidence that white people exist.
Are you next going to tell me how they were created in a lab by the mad scientist Yakub, 6,600 years ago? And therefore they’re not really people?