You can't deny the fact that most atheists are as bad if not worse (in some cases) than religious extremists. And I said most of them not all. If you can't see that then you're an idiot in denial. Plain & simple.
It's true, damn us atheists trying to get science not taught in school, going around brainwashing children, damning everyone we don't like to eternal hellfire, harassing people not like us for no good reason, bombing abortion clinics, denying rights to people based on sexual orientation, wishing death upon everyone not of our same religious beliefs, killing millions of people in Africa by spreading lies about condoms, increasing STDs and teenage pregnancies by promoting abstinence only education, horribly raping logic and constantly lying for Jesus.
Man, with that list, we are pretty horrible.
Ho hum. Another post at a game forum, another moron.
And to think, I used to believe that video games didn't rot the mind.
If you can't see that then you're an idiot in denial.
As far as arguments go, thats up there with :
If you don't think the same thing I do, then... You Smell!
Don't you have kindergarten in the morning Hellcat?
Plain - quite.
Simple - exceedingly.
I'm going to take a guess here, Hellcat. You've been on one (or more) atheist forum, spouting the usual fundie nonsense. Then, you had your arse handed to you as they tore apart every argument. Finally, you ran away after calling them all closed minded meanies.
Am I close?
"You can't deny the fact that most atheists are as bad if not worse (in some cases) than religious extremists."
No, they're not. Wow, that was easy!
Most atheists are worse than religious extremists? Wow. Invite Hellcat over to these parts of the woods, because either he is viewing the world through his Jesus googles, or he has never seen a fundamentalist in all their full-fledged glory.
Explain why the largest part of prison populations are Christian, then.
AfJ: Jesus googles? I never knew that. Thats probably why they're the biggest search engine, I mean, you don't get much better endorsement than the son of god.
When was the last atheist driven war? When was the last time an atheist was responsible for murder in the name of a belief system?
You're the idiot in denial. But, I am sure you don't see the irony in that.
@ Ambrielle,
Troll culture.
I just meant (and it was a spontaneous thought) that there are plenty of atheists who are as mocking and violent (in debate) as religious fundamentalists are/can be. However, I didn't read the original thread this was plucked from, so if it was a discussion about religious wars then obviously my humble 1 becomes a ludicrous vote. Unless one considers atrocities committed by Communist states (Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao). It's a bit like comparing apples and pears though.
The "most atheists" and "idiot in denial" part of Hellcats argument up there is still stupid though.
"there are plenty of atheists who are as mocking and violent (in debate) as religious fundamentalists are/can be"
Oh noes! They're violent in a debate. That's just as bad as all the ACTUAL ACTS of violence and intolerance and stupidity perpetrated by the fundementalists.
As bad or worse in what? Farmwille? Chess? Axis and Allies? Algebra? History?
I'm just a humble agnostic, but I don't force that knowledge on every single person I meet, and I seldom tell people that they are horrible persons who will burn for eternity. I simply let them live the life they have chosen for themselves, and cary on living my own.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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