grail48 #fundie
[Just when you think you'd heard every possible argument the fundies could have wheeled out regarding Monty Python's Life of Brian when the film first came out nearly 30 years ago, along comes a prat with a sense of humour bypass and a persecution complex the size of the Local Group.]
I continue to be amazed at how this clearly anti-semite work continues to be applauded. It mocks the ancient peoples of Israel without mercy (making them out to be clueless superstionists that should be glad Rome invaded and took over) and then moves on to insult Christians who make up a sizable chunk of the worlds population by intimating that their core belief (Christ as divine embodiment) is laughable. The claim that it is often made, that it is about all organised religions, is a pathetic platitude in light of how it specifically targets the customs and beliefs of Jews & Christians.
Whilst some of it is indeed well written and funny, the same can be said of the material of racist comedians and I thought we had moved on from considering that sort of thing acceptable as a society. It has value as a piece of cinema but to be given the accolades it has been showered with is a little disturbing.