various commenters #transphobia

RE: Gay couple insists they are a lesbian couple

( notsofreshfeeling )
No TiM is actually trying to pass.

( drdeeisback )
Of course not, if they actually passed they'd be treated like women and they know they wouldn't want that.

( SummerGrl )
I feel like there are only two possibilities here. One, they know they don't look like women. Two, they do know they don't look like women. If they don't know, then their perception of reality is skewed and this is mental illness. If they do know they don't look like women and are carrying on this charade that they are women, then they have malicious intentions for demanding that other people validate this deviant behavior.

( Kriegerin )
Like Aiden and Hayden in a "gay male" relationship and it's two tiny lesbians. How do they deal with the parts they're not attracted to though? Are gay men really into moobs/silicone chests on other men? I'm attracted to men myself and i can say a man with breast implants is repulsive to me.

Edit: wow lots of you know Aiden and Hayden irl lol

( Tortoisemouse )
My guess is they both have a sissification fetish.

And of course "being" a woman is the most degrading sissifying thing anyone could possibly be (/s)

So the moobs etc. are all part of the thrill and have nothing to do with actually being a woman (obvs).

Once you realise they're not aiming (or wanting) to be actual women, but only to be reductive cartoon-like porn-inspired approximations of """women""", it make sense. They're just men with a paraphilia and the hormones etc. are just part of an elaborate role-play/costume.

( ProxyMusic )
There were a pair of fellas like this in my old neighborhood in NYC some years ago. They started showing up at events for lesbians and using the women's rooms in local eateries and the women's locker room at the gym and pool they went to. It's one of the things that made me aware of how far gender identity ideology had gone in fucking up the heads of many of the LGB in the "LGBT" - and how many in the G today are now using gender identity and queer theory to fuck over and spit in the faces of the L (and the female portion of the B), and women and girls generally.

( Killer_Danish )
AGP perverts being perverts. God I miss the days where dudes like this had shame and kept their fetishes limited to weekend orgies and sex-dungeons.



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