[hm, atheistfanatic fighting for the cause of..nothing? I've yet to see an atheist extremist with some explosives strapped to his belt hijacking an airplane on the news]
Actually aethiests would be pretty vulnerable to extremism. Extremists have nothing to do with religion directly, they're mostly just people who feel that there's nothing in their lives worth living for and so they look for causes to attach themselves to. Aethiests, almost by definition, believe that nothing is worth living for (since a logical positivist viewpoint negates the idea of "worth"). Besides, I've seen a couple of aethiests who despise religion enough that they could be persuaded into commiting acts of violence.
EDIT: Actually now that I think about it that's a bit generalised. Most aethiests do have faith in quite a lot of things, even if they're not prepared to admit it. Still, most religious people aren't prepared to kill so I suppose it balances out.
Seriously, how hard is it to spell that word? Are they doing it on purpose, or are they just trying to look smart by making it look more complicated than it is?
"Most aethiests do have faith in quite a lot of things, even if they're not prepared to admit it."
And after you look up how to spell the word, check the definition too.
"most religious people aren't prepared to kill"
You owe me a new irony meter, buddy. 49.95 plus tax. Canadian.
<b>Still, most religious people aren't prepared to kill so I suppose it balances out.</b>
...did they really say that? Do they NOT read a newspaper now and then? Religious people are ALWAYS wiling to martyr themselves, as far as I can see.
ORLY? So it was atheists who blew up a bus and 3 tube trains back in 2005? An atheist who tried to ram a truck that was on fire into Glasgow airport last year?
Maybe in some alt universe, but not in this one mister.
Amazing! A person from another dimension, where religious people are tolerant and progressive and atheists (spelled aetheists in this wacky world) blow themselves up in the name of Dawkins, has teleported to Earth and is making internet posts! How's life treating you now that you're out of Backwards World, Mr. Tahssa?
@Paschal Wagner
Yes, he's spelling it wrong on purpose. Later in the thread when someone points out his misspelling his response is:
"Also I know that a lot of people spell aethiest differently, but my way is better."
He never does explain what's "better" about his incorrect spelling.
Actually aethiests would be pretty vulnerable to extremism. Extremists have nothing to do with religion directly, they're mostly just people who feel that there's nothing in their lives worth living for and so they look for causes to attach themselves to.
This just makes me wonder which cause he has attached himself to.
@ JohnnyBGod:
Ah, that's great. Then from now on, I shall refer to them as Krustians. I know a lot of people spell Krustian differently, but my way is better.
"Aethiests, almost by definition, believe that nothing is worth living for"
Well, considering you can't spell "atheists", it's not surprising that you don't understand the definition.
Nothing worth living for?! I've got a redheaded girlfriend with a sharp wit, and yesterday I had chocolate cake!
Frankly, there's far, far too much to live for that you folks seem obsessed about denying yourselves (which is fine) and others (which is not).
At least he reversed himself, realizing it's preferable to think first, then talk. I have no idea, though, where he's finding religious people who aren't prepared to kill.
...they're mostly just people who feel that there's nothing in their lives worth living for and so they look for causes to attach themselves to.
This part is correct if taken out of context. The rest is horribly, horribly wrong. Extremists have nothing to do with religion directly? So the 9/11 terrorists weren't fanatical Muslims?
Extremists have nothing to do with religion directly, they're mostly just people who feel that there's nothing in their lives worth living for and so they look for causes to attach themselves to.
Most extremists believe that this life sucks and the next life will be better. If I don't believe in anything after this life, why would I destroy this one for nothing? Wouldn't it be better to try and improve the world I'm in?
I've seen a couple of aethiests who despise religion enough that they could be persuaded into commiting acts of violence.
Pestering them to the point that they want to punch you in the face is not a form of extremism.
And for the love of your fucking god, get a spell checker.
Aethiests, almost by definition, believe that nothing is worth living for (since a logical positivist viewpoint negates the idea of "worth").
on the contrary. there is no life after this and im going to make the most of this one...after all, there is plenty to live for. Enlightment, sex and rock'n'roll.
since a logical positivist viewpoint negates the idea of "worth"
Logical positivism is a specific stance in philosophy of science that says that unless something can be directly observed it is unscientific*; it is an extreme form of empiricism essentially. It has nothing to do with worth.
*the problem with the principle is that it can't be directly oberved itself.
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