sand-12 #fundie

[hm, atheistfanatic fighting for the cause of..nothing? I've yet to see an atheist extremist with some explosives strapped to his belt hijacking an airplane on the news]

Actually aethiests would be pretty vulnerable to extremism. Extremists have nothing to do with religion directly, they're mostly just people who feel that there's nothing in their lives worth living for and so they look for causes to attach themselves to. Aethiests, almost by definition, believe that nothing is worth living for (since a logical positivist viewpoint negates the idea of "worth"). Besides, I've seen a couple of aethiests who despise religion enough that they could be persuaded into commiting acts of violence.

EDIT: Actually now that I think about it that's a bit generalised. Most aethiests do have faith in quite a lot of things, even if they're not prepared to admit it. Still, most religious people aren't prepared to kill so I suppose it balances out.



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