18 y/o Autist throws young boy over the rail of a 30 feet high waterslide because "the line was too long."
Isn't is about time America stops coddling these Autistic mental cases?
How many more people have to be hurt or killed by these tards?
The article claims the authorities say he's developmentally challenged. They don't state what that actually entails.
Let me guess, you just shout autism because you have no knowledge of the condition and are looking for a reason to shit on us.
And he wasn't coddled by the authorities- he was arrested and is awaiting trial. If he was, then it might be the parents who are to blame.
Perhaps if you had universal healthcare, the parents could get the care they needed to either help the kid develop as much as he was able to, or else give him the constant care and assistant he might need.
How many black people have to be hurt or killed by scared and/or improperly trained police officers?
A boy/man with Dawn's was killed by police in Sweden recently (yes, we have people killed by cops here too, 2-3 per year on average, though last year it jumped to 6). He had a toy gun and wasn't able to communicate with the police, who got scared and shot him.
What do you suggest? Shall we simply incarcerate anybody whose mental processes are different, or whose impulse control is poor, or whose intelligence is subnormal, or who feels over-entitled to consideration, or who is bigoted against others, or who is simply angry at something or someone?
And if we do so, will there be anyone remaining to turn the key in the lock?
these Autistic mental cases
That's no way to talk about one of your own kind, Toast.
What person on the spectrum would think of murdering a woman?
The first thing I thought was: Wow, both the OP and that kid have some serious shit wrong with them. The second thing was: What an apt metaphor this would be for America's private healthcare and the people who argue against joining the rest of the world on creating a public option based on wait times.
So when we see right wingers be violent like Cantwell, Dear, Rudolph, McVeigh and others, we should stop coddling the right wing?
My apologies, but as Pharaoh Bastethotep mentions that there wads nothing suggesting that the one responsible had Autism, I was denouncing Toast's use of a common slur (in the same way 'Fag'/'Faggot'/'Cuck' etc is used in 4chan/elsewhere).
Because, like I say, no-one on the spectrum would think of behaving the way Alex Fields did.
But the behaviour of Alt-Shitists is proof of a worse mental defect.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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