Paul White Gold Eagle #crackpot #magick #ufo

Today we navigate through the Master Synchronization Portal of 222:222 The Mirror of the Divine Union of Hieros Gamos. Synchronizing with this powerful double 222 portal is the Pluto Return of America that took 248 years since the birth of the USA on July 4th 1776 to come into alignment at 25 degrees Capricorn. The United States Sun sign is in Cancer. This is symbolic of the destruction of the old and the rebirth or transformation into a higher synchronic order. Synchronizing with this Zodiac symbology we had a massive M6 earthquake in South America right on the Tropic of Capricorn in Argentina. This is connected to the root and sacral chakras of all living beings, as the kundalini rises up the Katika channel through the Eye of the Torus Field.

The Galactic Signature on the Mayan Calendar today is Kin 175 ~ Blue Rhythmic Eagle. We are moving and pulsing with the Sacred Rhythm of the Healing Blue Eagle as we take flight into the Heavenly Realms to bridge the two worlds through our Rainbow Bridges of the Holy Vortex within.

The Celestial Realms are pouring down upon you, Heavenly Golden Manna of Eternal Life. We take these Galactic Energies into our Sacred Avatars for complete upgrade into Solar Diamond Christos Light beings of New Heaven on the Earth.

As we are activated in the Great Quickening we journey upon the downward flow of the holy waters on the Quick/Quick Path to Source and Beyond into the Unknowable Unborn Mind of Buddha Consciousness. As we take the Leap of Faith through this Activation Portal we journey through the Rising Ascension Equinox energies of March and into the Mystical Miracles of April. We are in the final phases of the full anchoring and manifestation of 5D New Earth.

This has occurred through the merging of all timelines, realms and dimensions with the Power of our All-Mighty I Am Presence and the Courage of our Lion Heart Center to usher in the New Golden Age of Eternal Life…A’Ho!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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