The problem is feminism has brainwashed women into thinking they are men. A man’s sexual value is a complicated thing. It is a mixture of looks, social status, work success, money and a thousand other things. For women it is simply looks and nothing else.
Put it another way, an Aston Martin makes a guy more attractive, because it signals wealth. A fat old women in an Aston is just undesirable as a fat old women in a Micra.
The problem with older women is they make false calculations about their sexual value. They think that their careers, money, and experience means they are more desirable, therefore they deserve a high value man. In reality their value peaked at age 17 and is in constant decline.
Ellen Ripley.
She saved men. [/"Aliens"]
Certainly when she drove that APC.
Would you like to be introduced to a personal friend of hers...?! [/M-41A]
I guess personality, intelligence and experience doesn't matter to someone who'd fuck a coma patient.
EDIT: Are you the same Anon(ce)? I'm not even going to attempt to answer your bullshit. You can shove your kiddie porn up your arse as well.
EDIT: The above para was in relation to another comment also from 'Anon' which has since been deleted by FSTDT mods.
Not everything women do is for the sake of men, y'know, and vice versa.
I find the data neither. Even if it were true, what difference would it make? Are we to put a slice of the male gender's preferences over the safety of female children?
... you're gonna answer 'yes' aren't you? Because of course men are more important than women.
Wanting autonomy....a very perfectly understandable feeling....DOESN'T REQUIRE BRAINWASHING!
There you go! Making up a falsehood to believe in because you KNOW you are wrong and most don't think like you!
* Blacks were happier under slavery.
* Women were happier before feminism.
* Women love jerks and being raped.
* All men like underaged girls.
* Nobody likes older women.
* Atheist believe in Deity but choose to ignore/hate Deity.
Well, since you start with a false premise, of course you come to the wrong conclusion.
Bad start: " is simply looks and nothing else." This may be true if the male observer himself is a rather shallow pimply adolescent. But girls are not looking for boys. They're looking for men. This is important: when (if) you grow up you will see other things in a woman that you might value more than just looks. They might include kindness, friendliness, poise, and enough brains to participate in an intelligent conversation. Now, I know you don't understand that phrase "intelligent conversation" right now, but some day you may grow up enough for that.
Wrong conclusion: "...peaked at age 17...". Oh, fine, I guess. If you think too hard about a lifetime of enduring giggling girls who disappear en masse to the bathroom for hours at a time to do each other's hair, and whose conversation centers on what color of nail varnish goes with that outfit, I'm sure you will slit your wrists.
I saw that... thing's post earlier. Thankfully, the mods are gods, and have erased it from existence (and FSTDT too, IP-wise).
All I'll say is just one word completely annihilates their 'argument': MILFs.
I think I'm a woman.
Sexual value is a nonsense concept.
A guy who doesn't know the difference between "woman" and "women" is also pretty undesirable.
Don't kid yourself, a fat old "men" in an Aston Martin is just as undesirable as a fat old "men" in a Nissan Micra, too.
Older women don't think that, younger men think that. MILF is a much more valid concept than "sexual value", dearie.
You just want young girls who don't know what they're doing, and can therefore not judge your inexpert fumblings, or what?
A man’s sexual value is a complicated thing. It is a mixture of looks, social status, work success, money and a thousand other things.
'There is no such thing as an ugly rich man'
-Marc Riley, a.k.a. 'Lard '
That poor little rich boy Elliot Todger .
A dick: in more ways than one. Just like all you manbabies.
>A man’s sexual value is a complicated thing.
Anyone want to bet this guy is obese, balding and looks like he's 10 years older than he really is?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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