I don't know what the truth of Oak Isle is but 'Academia proper' has lost a lot of credibility with me since the time I saw an Egyptian chisel and hammer under a glass case at the ROM in Toronto and was informed that these were the tools that built the smooth building blocks that formed the 3 pyramids at Giza. Academia is an industry and as with all industries the Media is at their disposal, being owned by the same monied class. The waters are muddied when necessary and at other times favourable theories that suits their interests $$$ are presented as gospel.
And we like our ancestors who believed that when the priest said something it was necessarily true, we too believe that when a scientist says something it too must be necessarily true. We do not question, research or think for ourselves, but simply wait for the TV to tell us.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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