sapphicafemme , Gladys_Kravitz & Stealthygal #transphobia

RE: Sometimes I can’t believe that some parents pretend their minor children are the opposite sex

( sapphicafemme )
They hate their kids and want to set the up for failure. On top of that, they get to use the “my kid’s trans” card anytime they need to get out of a tough situation. It’s not hard. It’s a win/win especially when both parents are on board.


( Gladys_Kravitz )
Those parents aren't scared or confused either. They want to deliberately punish and hurt their children, or they can't be bothered to actually sit down and listen to their kids. Those services are super expensive, many cold, distant, rich parents can't be bothered to actually connect with their kids and send them off to those torture camps.

Ignorance is not a valid defense when it comes to suspending someone's civil and human rights. You also cannot get away with saying "but I thought it would help them!" because that also isn't a valid defense. Parents who beat the devil out of their children also think they're helping them, but we all recognize it's abuse and hold them accountable despite how scared or confused they might be.

Parents of trans kids are no different. They are deliberately hurting their children and need to be held accountable, despite their personal worries or feelings over the issue.

Edit: for some reason people interpret things like this as "ONLY the parents should get in trouble" which is so far from what I mean it's actually laughable.

Every single adult involved with the transition of a child needs to be held accountable. Don't go after just one type of person, they are all responsible. The doctors, the therapists, the parents, etc. They have all colluded against the child.


( Stealthygal )
It's a polite fiction we maintain. Nobody wants to be like homophobes of the past who said gay people were sick and wrong. And we can all think to ourselves "well gosh yes how we feel inside is super important, if this person feels inside that they are a different sex then it's really good to affirm them because it would be so cruel and wrong to tell them otherwise".



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