You said the same about the Lord's Resistance Army; Obama taking action against them, and the LRA being Christian 'fighting against oppressors'.
But no amount of backpedalling could repair the unimaginable P.R. damage you'd done to yourself when it was revealed what the LRA were doing; 'Assume. Where you make an ASS out of U, but not ME'.
Muslim & Christian governments in Nigeria have allowed this 'culture' of Human Trafficking/Kidnapping to continue unabated; allowing it to exist in people's minds as somehow 'normal', when the West eliminated it centuries ago with the abolition of Slavery; Hull's own William Wilberforce - a Christian - for one.
Not seeing Badluck Jonathan doing anything to eliminate that 'attitude' from peoples' minds, pre-#[URL=]BringBackOurGirls[/URL].
But First Lady Michelle Obama did (and Goomy pls, a shiny new internet is on it's way, via your win right from the start. Fair brings a tear to the eye of this Argument Annihilator! b^_^d )
Not exactly seeing you doing the same; following Justin Timberlake's parallel campaign #[URL=]RealMenDon'tBuyGirls[/URL]; as the likes of David Beckham, Rolling Stones' Ronnie Wood (via an iPad), and even Prime Minister David Cameron are.
More than ever is the joke so relevant:
Q: What's the difference between the Hindenburg, and Rush Limburger?
A: One's a huge flaming Nazi gasbag, the other was an airship.
And you're self-destructing in the same way: via your own ignorance.
Thus via your ignorance, certainly post-late 2012, we're seeing your irrelevance, Rushiepoos. And equally, you're dying of it.