Poupic #fundie npr.org
Expecting the Chief Islamist in Washington not to help the main Islamic state supporting Islamic terror? On what planet were you born? Kerry is just doing what his boss told him to do. To prevent a Barack Hussein 2 from being elected President first Impeach! Impeach! And then vote for Trump.
I just finished re-reading John Glubb's "A short history of the Arab people." Their history is the history of Islam and all it contains is this one overthrew this one and this one overthrew that one. Sabers and blood and very little else is this history. Sharia anyone?
The fear of the truth sayer, Mr. Donald Trump is overwhelming to the point that it is an obsession with Barack Hussein 2, Hilary. The more she attacks him for talking straight the more she show herself to be a cold fish that can’t be trusted. She had Ambassador Stevens and 3 other Americans to be slaughtered by Islamic terror. Yet she claimed that a video was the cause of their demise. Then to make her point she uttered these unforgettable worlds: “What difference does it make?” I would love the parents and family of those American slaughtered because of her to be present while she repeats her “What difference does it make?” Plenty! Lady! 4 Americans lost their life because you put them in an Islamic terror infested Benghazi defenseless. Your finger on the nuclear button? Not on our life you care nothing about! You having national secrets? Having Huma Abedin for Chief of state knowing full well that she is the daughter of leaders of The Muslim Brotherhood you called “Moderate?” How did you get her approved? How did you get your server approved? You didn’t? You just did it? And you expect us to vote for a careless, cold fish like you? Yuck! I will vote for Mr. Donald Trump who always says the truth and has no fear not to be not politically correct like and Barack Hussein ruled on all of us. $300,000 for one speech! Can we see the text of that speech to see how it can’t be regarded as some sort of purchase of your future behavior? How many Yuck’s are there for all to see about you, Madame? See you gone in November!
So Politically Correct he could easily be part of Barack Hussein 2, Hilary. Mu8slis are scapegoats? Islamic terror doesn’t exist it is only “militants?” That is the way the current administration wants you to see the 9/11 Islamic terrorists, the recent California slaughter of co workers? The correct and honest way to look at the situation in Europe with the Paris slaughters, The Cologne rapes, the Sweden rapes, the no go area’s in Europe's capitals: “...Until they figure out what to DO.” This is not phobia. A phobia is based on just fear of something that never happen. Islamic terror is real. “The Muslim Brotherhood is not “moderate” the way Barack Hussein wants you to believe. It is the parent of all Islamic terror world wide.