andrew33 #fundie

It is fascinating how so many people claim not to believe in God until they are on their death bed or they have a major crisis in their life. Did you know that before the First World War, a significant number of the European fighting men were Atheist. Atheism was quite popular especially among the "elites" in Paris and London. When down in trenches facing machine gun fire, mortar and heavy artillery shelling, and starvation, they changed their minds very quickly.

Deep down in our hearts, we know God exists. Here in the USA, we have had too easy a life to dig down into our heart and soul where God is. We are numbed by TV and computer, instant food, air conditioning and power steering.

I came to know God while watching my entire town being wiped off the map by a hurricane 3years ago. When you have experienced something like that you will understand. What I don't understand is why it bothers you so that others believe in God.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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