Edmund_Kemper #sexist incels.is

[Blackpill] Rapists are more likely to be chads and sexually active

In this research paper, it talks about the characteristics of undetected rapists AKA rapists who were never reported by their victim or never were arrested. Quote (the page won’t let me copy):


Characteristics of Undetected Rapists

Sexual Behavior

"Undetected" rapists have consistently been shown to more sexually active than other men. Apart from their sexually aggressive behavior, they engage in consensual and coercive sex far more often that is typical for men of their age group. Their sexual activity tends to be an important component of their identities. %us, rather than being a product of greater sex drive, their increased sexual activity appears to be driven by their view that if they are not very active then they are neither "successful" nor adequate as men.

studies also confirm that frat boys ARE more likely to sexually assault foids and sorority girls are more likely to be sexually assaulted. And frat boys often are chads. Many chads are athletes abd many athletes are chads and domestic violence and sexual assault are a big problem among athletes.

it's the result of their great personalities

I bet bluepillers assume most rapists are ugly jfl

Water wet. And it’s not sexual assault if he’s chad.

Chads are more likely to rape women which the foid enjoys

I'm not surprised.

I bet that tons of unreported rape cases are because the guy was chad.

And of course ugly men get the blame by being stereotyped as rapist lmao.

The predators in TCAP are always sub5

This is what women mean by "good personality"

Women love dark triad traits

ugly rapists cant get away with rape while attractive ones can, which makes it so ugly guys rape way less than attractive guys since they can do it numerous times and get away with it.

Ugly rapists get reported more

Can you imagine if foids were given the option of either having sex with an incel in a luxury hotel, or be beaten and raped by Chad in a back alleyway - how many would choose the incel? 5% 10%?

0% also most rape doesn’t happen outside or in a dark alley it usually happens in a home



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