NapoliPizzaPie #racist #sexist

I have no experience with dating eastern slavic women (hence why I'm on this site) but I can just tell you from my exposure to them both irl and online they are arguably the absolute worst. The only ones who may be more toxic are black women, but at least black women are honest about how they feel and don't blindside you with bullshit.

Say what you will about American beckies and stacies - at least they try to be nice. At least they can be friendly at a professional/work level. At least there is some variety in their personality, from people like Lauren Southern to Rachel Maddow. At least some of these women will let normie men occasionally fuck them. At least American women have a basic understanding of American history, culture, and nation. At least American women recognize the importance of having a low body count and try to act pure to guys they like.

If toxic corporate feminism were an entire person, it would be East Slavic Foids who are literally the worst. They literally live the most degenerate, hedonic, shallow, and shameless lives possible, and then put on a show of being "empowered" and "hard-working" while expecting Chad Christ Himself to beta-buxx himself to her, otherwise he isn't worth her time. Anyone else is an ugly, lame loser who doesn't deserve her attention at even an informal/friendly level; they are toxic cunts to anyone who has a below average face, is at all fat, or is at all a loner.

And they have literally no comprehension of culture, history, or nation and believe that their own ethnicity is "ugly" by Western corporate beauty standards, therefore none of their own race is worth their time.

And whenever they get called out for their shitty behavior, they either blame patriarchy or they blame all the men of their entire ethnicity for not being patriarchal enough, for being so incompetent as to not meet their 99.99 percentile standards. Even though they literally offer nothing to any relationship but being broken, hedonic pos's



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