Various Incels #racist #sexist

[Serious] You've heard of SEAmaxxing but have you ever considered Africamaxx?


I slept with 1,400 girls, impregnated 600 in 6 African countries, French tourist recounts

Could be a larp but I wouldn't completely doubt it. I remember a post on Braincels where someone put St Blackops2cel in Ghana on tinder and he immediately got 30 matches in the matter of like an hour. It had the lion king music to go with it if anyone remembers that.

I don't wanna be a piece of shit chad prego'in lots of women. I just want one girl who loves me and is loyal to me. That's all i ever wanted

Jfl. You're too pure for this world.

No because I'm not attracted to them

Most of them look like men.

Really ugly men, at that. Average rice male looks more feminine.

I have already paid to have sex with a black woman but sadly I can't feel anything for them. Even the lust I have for them is like only a fraction of what I have for white women.

I literally have no attraction to black woman.

I never fapped to a black woman in my life. And I'm 32.

There aren't even black porn stars. Even black people don't fap to black women.

Being a black woman must be tough. They still have it way, way better than male incels, but since they only compare themselves to other women, they must feel like shit in comparison. It's like incels are at 1, normies are at 3, Chads are at 100, black women are at 80 and white women are at 500.


Aboriginals are the worst. They literally do not look human. Although apparently they have legit room temperature IQs, I remember once watching an Australian govt produced public service announcement which told them not to sleep on the road at night. JFL.



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