various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @Nature_and_Race )
Wow! Jacob Wohl is a filthy rotten Jew who hates White people and doesn't believe White people should have freedom of speech to question and/or criticize Jews.

Wow! Gab is an absolute cesspool and inadequate Jew hating degenerates.

( @NSSAP )
@Nature_and_Race -- Jacob Wohl should be visiting the nearest concentration camp.

( @FatalToLeftists )
@Nature_and_Race WOW! Jacob Wohl is a Synagogue of Satan Baal-licker who is against EVERYTHING our Founding Fathers (and generations of Americans) have sacrificed themselves for. The Talmud is the only principle this demon follows.

( @James_Dixon )

> ... inadequate Jew hating degenerates.

Most of the jew haters I've encountered on Gab have been more than adequate. 🤔

( @DagnarOdinsson )
@Nature_and_Race He's part of the overall plan. Destroy Whites permanently, prune the brown races to a select few perfect slave class, rule the world with impunity.

( @Breakpoint58 )
@Nature_and_Race Correction: we adequately hate them

( @Euroicism )
@Nature_and_Race Jacob Wohl needs to be gassed along with the rest of his disgusting tribe.

( @GaryProctor )
@Nature_and_Race Psychotic jews mad af, the truth can't be hidden forever. Judgement Day is Coming.

( @CC54R )
@Nature_and_Race I see eye to eye with this filthy kike. He wants me and my people dead.



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