If you keep laughing at Ken Ham, you may laugh yourself into Hades.
Ha HA Ahaahah hahah hahaha hahhahahaha
Ken Ham can suck my noodles.
I'm not Greek so I doubt that I could laugh myself into Hades. Being of Scandinavian descent I suppose I could laugh myself into Helheim.
Oh wait, Helheim isn't real either.
I can just see myself waking after a bad car crash in a fiery place in front of a big scary demon wih a notepad and a pen and him asking, 'So, why are you here ?? Did you kill anyone ??' 'No' 'Did you rape anyone ??' 'No' 'Did you rob anyone ??' 'No' 'Oooooh shit, you didn't laugh at Ken Ham did you ???'
Hades actually wasn't that bad! (according to ancient stories) Much better than christian hell.
Anyway, I'm a witch and when I misbehave I go to "Winterland" hhhhhuuuuuuuhhhh!
Isn't Ham in some sort of difficulty with the Australian tax authorities?
Saddle up your dinos, boys, it's time to ride!
I laugh at any fool who believes the earth is only 6000 years old and that dinosaurs co-existed with man.
How can you NOT laugh at The Flintstones? The modern Stone Age family from the Town of Bedrock had to be one of the funniest TV shows ever. And anyone who believes that:
People lived with dinosaurs (did they keep them as pets, like Dino?)
deserves to be laughed at. He probably also thinks sauropods were used at early quarries, like the one run by Mr. Slate.
Does he also think there was an early telephone in the Garden, with a shell for a handset?
If we shouldn't be laughing at him then tell him to stop providing us with such epic lulz.
And...what, is laughing at Ken Ham gonna piss off Zeus or something?
Haha, I do laugh like "Hades" at the very thought of Ken Ham. He is one of my favorite comedians. So hysterical with blithe disregard of scientific fact to invent a nutsy faux-creation science myth for our amusement. So deadpan with his idiotic farces of supernatural creation. Acting so totally ignorant of science to make us laugh at his ludicrous timelines. He is so wonderfully ridiculous, only a total birdbrain would take him seriou...oops., no you can't possibly belie.., uhm, uh, have a nice day!
Hades was a God, not a place. And the Underworld consisted of three parts. There was the Elysian fields, the paradise of heroes, warriors, and kings; Tartarus, the pit of the damned; and the Asphodel fields, the land of the general deceased population.
Well, I could be wrong here (and correct me, fans or followers of greek myth ) But,,,
Hades is the underworld of torment and punishment that bad people went to, This is the template for Christian Hell. The Jews didn't have this.
The ruler of this brimstone firepit was Pluto, Lord of the underground, Pit of EVIL, Nasty place. Also Greek God. Add Northern Europeans concept of ultimate punishment, that's the modern, religious and secular vision of HELL.
Your shit wasn't new even when it started
They do use this Hades periodically (cause Hell's a 'naughty' word dontchaknow youbethya) and they sometimes, when called on this claim that was just the Greek word for Hell.
So the Christian words for Apollo, Mercury, Venus, Cyclops and Centaurs are what?
Cute tip, some of them Greek Gods had similar lives, as did some of them Persian, Egyptian and Sumerian Gods. Hmm, Things that make you go Hmmm.
So where does it say that? Certainly not anywhere in "that book" that he has. It doesn't even say anything in that book like that about Jeebus.
I'll laugh at whomever I want to. I just hope I laugh myself into some place that Ken Ham isn't!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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