The European peoples, like the Indians, Egyptians, and Persians, were motivated by a desire to build perfection. Unlike the others however, the Europeans believed that perfection had no final end point but was a journey that must be undertaken for its own sake. This is why the Europeans continued to innovate while the other civilizations stopped progressing once they had attained a certain level of perfection. It seems fashionable to rejoice the decline of the West in some circles nowadays. If the Chinese were to become tomorrow’s hegemonic power, would they be able to construct a new paradigm to replace the current one created by the West? If the answer to that question is negative, the West may never lose it’s relevance in world affairs and hence will never truly decline.
"This is why the Europeans continued to innovate while the other civilizations stopped progressing once they had attained a certain level of perfection."
While America is chained to fundieism and becomes irrellevent.
What is perfection? Why are you assuming we in the west are struggling towards this perfection? If China became the hegemonic power in the world, our view of perfection would probably change to a more Confucian one (it's what "hegemonic" means).
Please read Jared Diamond (Guns, Germs and Steel is practically everywhere) before you continue with this nonsense.
We didn't START to innovate until the others have more or less stopped, or WE caused them to stop with our colonialism.
The answer to that question is, of course, "maybe, who knows?".
This is why the Europeans continued to innovate while the other civilizations stopped progressing
You mean like how the settlers in North America just about starved to death until the natives showed them how to grow crops?
Gee, I wonder why the Chinese stopped progressing .
@Doubting Thomas
And may have even said "screw this noise" and simply joined the natives. As may well be the case with Roanoke Colony. There is no absolute proof, but the Saponi in the area were strangely aware of Christianity and the English language and some of the members had distinctly European physical traits. The surnames of some of the ancestors of this tribe also correspond with those who lived on Roanoke Island.
> It seems fashionable to rejoice the decline of the West in some circles nowadays.
Coconut's ears are probably burning.
p.s. Doesn't this belong on RSTDT?
It seems fashionable to rejoice the decline of the West in some circles nowadays.
White privilege =/= the West.
Nobody wants the West to fall. Just the current power structure and with Obama being elected president and clearing the way for other minorities (even Republican minorities) to get elected, it may be ending soon. Or America will retreat into its shell of racism and lose all of the progress it has made so far. I know I'm rooting for the former.
This is why the Europeans continued to innovate while the other civilizations stopped progressing once they had attained a certain level of perfection.
There is nothing special about Europeans. They are just another group of people. In fact, if it wasn't for the Arabs and Chinese gunpowder the Europeans would still be flinging rocks at castles in the 17th and 18th centuries and not sailing the high seas conquering the world. That's not to say the Chinese and Arabs didn't get some of their important advancements elsewhere as well. The point I'm making is that no ethnic group is intrinsically superior and most of them build off the success of others. And any superiority in outcomes is due to a combination of geography, technology (some of it acquired), and plain old luck.
Exactly our European greatness is built on the shoulder's of the greatness of other people from other places. But sincerely, it wasn't anything to do with, well. Would say Caucasian, but I believe Egyptians are semetics.
Do feel like this is more RSDT.
You, sir, are an IDIOT, like your forum name IS BAD LATIN.
If he's so excited about European people, why does he list three examples that aren't European? Not unless India, Egypt, and Iran have moved since yesterday, anyway.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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