Women have babies and men provide the support. If you don't like the way we're made you've got to take it up with God.
Sit down, Phyllis. Remember, God made you to be quiet and serve your man, but to publically pontificate.
Hey, Papabear, don't knock public pontification. I suspect that what Fullof Shitfly has been paid in speakers fees far outweighs whatever Mr. Schafly (whoever he is) ever earned in his life. But, of course, we all know she's just the little wifey who stayed home and belched out babies while the Mr. supported the whole family. (Yeah, right.)
"Women have babies and men provide the support."
Refresh my memory, please, about some guy who said something about judging not, that ye be not judged, and about planks, beams, and eyes. Then again, why do I bother, since the religious right of the first century had it in for that guy?
Fix the problem with declining purchasing power first, and then go back to the kitchen with Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter, and Beverly LaHaye so you can watch wistfully out the window as the neighbors' daughters go off to college to make lives for themselves.
Well, you dried-up old snatch, you didn't like how your idiot son was made, so you took matters into your own hands.
It shows.
God seems to have fucked up the creation of me. There is no babies coming along. Should I just twiddle my thumbs while my husband works, then?
Apart from the "plumbing" we are very much alike, men and women. What one can do, the other can manage too.
Men can carry heavier loads, yes, but no-one has ever said men should handle the washing because it's heavy work, strangely enough...
Men is said to be better with electrical appliances, like computers, TV's, dvd-recorders. But (strange again) not the washing machine or the dishwasher, men can't seem to understand them.
I am, of course, stereotyping here. Lots and lots and lots of men can manage the dishwasher perfectly fine. Lots and lots and lots of men encourage their wives to have jobs and earn their own living, too.
Bitch, get off the goddamned computer, fix me a turkey pot pie, iron my shirts, and get me a beer while I watch the game.
In all seriousness though, my best friend's father didn't let his wife work outside of the home (other than a paper route); she stayed home with the kids and he worked overtime all the time.
Unfortunately, he passed away early, leaving his wife widowed and with no job skills. My best friend grew up loving his father, but never really seeing him as he worked all the time. His mother, at age 50, had to start a minimum wage job, hoping to survive without loosing their home.
I really think you should reconsider your opinion.
My wife has a PhD in mathematics, and she works in a high position with huge responsibility in aviation logistics.
Mrs. Schlafly, please consider this the next time you board an airplane. At least some of the credits go to my wife for enabling you to reach your destination safely and on time.
Mrs. Schlafly, an open question: Do you really want to send my wife home (she is highly intelligent, highly talented, top-qualified, top companies are battling for highly skilled people like her)? And tell her that her place in life is instead to become a housewife and to have babies?
Mrs. Schlafly, I don't say this light-hearted, but: You are a shameful disgrace for all womankind.
Oh no, it's the female Assfly!
Phyllis, just tell Andy to cough up the dough. Way much easier that way, and if not, you can always go to court.
Oh dear, I guess I'm doing it wrong.
I'm the one supporting my other half right now while he starts his own business.
And we "forgot" to have babies. (Teh horroz!)
If God doesn't like me going against his divine plan, he'll just have to take it up with me, won't he?
Silly woman...
Madam, there is a buffet of things I would take up with your god should we ever come in contact. On a list that includes impersonal disasters, congenital diseases, contradictions in the bible and the insane policy of ignoring works in favor of faith, the subject of gender roles doesn't even make the top 1,000 for me.
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