"The Jews crucified their own Messiah"
PROTIP: Jews - from ultra-orthodox Hasidim, right up to Liberal Reformists - have never recognised your 'Jesus' as their 'Messiah'.
Further proof that you've never actually read your Bible; yet, Professors of Theology will tell you that even ultra-orthodox Wahhabiist Muslims acknowledge 'Isa - Jesus - as an important prophet (just not the final one, that's all).
Ain't irony a bitch, eh Davey-boy? The ultimate irony being that - even though I'm not a Professor of Theology - I know the above, which you clearly don't.
And remember: those Professors of Theology - who have studied the subject for decades (do you know Aramaic, Davey-boy? They do...!) - know more about your own beliefs than you do. Further proof that you & all your fundie ilk have never actually read your Bible: properly [/Isaac Asimov]?:
Romans 11:26-32 - which states that all Jews, religious or not - are going to Heaven, regardless. Bypassing the cornerstone of fundie Christain doctrine: John 14:6.
Curious, is it not, how we 'heathen' & supposedly Biblically illiterate Atheists have discovered that little religion-destroying loophole*, eh? Because as Isaac Asimov said (quote; emphasis added):
'Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for Atheism ever conceived'
And that's what we Atheists have done. Read the Bible. Properly. And you haven't. Like I say: curious, eh?
The 'Mystery' of the Bible is now decoded. As far as you & your 'God' are concerned, we Atheists know everything, certainly too much for you & all your ilk's own good. Ergo, Atheism. Like I say, what Isaac Asimov said, and all that jazz...!
"Galatians 3:26-29"
And Gala[I]x[/I]ians 3 says that soon, a great creature infinitely bigger than Leviathan shall come from the depths of space, and make a mighty feast of your 'God'. Just after he's eaten Cthulhu first. We will all be one within Zolgear! [/Namco] X3
...I can't actually prove that a huge planet-sized biomechanical interstellar horror will come and do a Galactus on us, but then - along with J.R. 'Bob' Dobbs, Invisible Pink Unicornism/Lauren Faustism, Haruhiism etc - who needs proof, when you've got 'faith', eh?! [/Flying Spaghetti Monster]
*- And - no 'Interpretation' allowed, as it is the literal 'Word of God' - Rom. 11:26-32 says that the mercy your 'God' shall give to the Jews, and thus they shall go directly to Heaven (do pass Jesus, do collect Eternal Life [/Monopoly]), is all due to their Disobedience. Well you also know what Disobedience is too, and thus will be in receipt of his mercy, eh Davey-boy? Atheism & Homosexuality. See you in Heaven too! [/mega-irony] >:D