Sola Awolaja #fundie

CNN, BBC, SKY, FOX, FACEBOOK, TWITTER, GOOGLE, INSTAGRAM, MSN and YAHOO. These popular News and Social Media websites will be very busy on glorious rapture day. Why? They will be reporting the most amazing News in history. “BREAKING NEWS: JESUS CHRIST CAME! MILLIONS MISSING AROUND THE WORLD! RAPTURE TOOK PLACE AT LAST!” If you are left behind on rapture day, you will read this Breaking News either on your Television, desktop PC, laptop PC, iPhone, iPad, Android phone, BlackBerry phone, touch screen Smartphone or normal mobile phone. This is not a fairy tale. Rapture is a reality. This is the blessed hope of dedicated rapture watchers worldwide. Whether scoffers and unbelievers believe it or not, glorious rapture is at the door! Therefore, be perpetually ready for glorious rapture. Jesus Christ gave us the glorious rapture assurance in Revelation 3:10. Are you a rapture watcher? Don’t give up!

The Great Tribulation Period Martyrdom! You have only two options. It is either you are perpetually ready for the glorious rapture or ready for great tribulation period martyrdom. All left behind cold/ lukewarm Christians and unbelievers must be ready to die as “Martyrs” if they want to go to heaven as great tribulation period saints. After the glorious rapture, there will be great tribulation period worldwide.

Left behind unbelievers and scoffers must accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and personal Saviour. All left behind people must not accept the Mark of the Beast (RFID chip: 666) in their right hands or foreheads. They must not worship Antichrist and his image. They will be tortured horribly and then beheaded due to their non-conformist attitude. Left behind people who willingly worship Antichrist and his image and also accept his mark (RFID chip: 666) will end up in the eternal lake of fire and sulphur. Cold and lukewarm Christians must wake up now! Don’t be left behind! Rapture is at the door!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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