It is astounding that a nation settled by people who crossed an ocean to live in a wilderness according to their religious beliefs and conscience is now poised to oppress millions who desire simply to live by those same beliefs. Everyone has the right to run a business consistent with their beliefs, employing other Americans in the process. Republicans must take up that theme as a pro-business stance.
RFRA supporters are like the brave Americans in the Deep South decades ago who stood for black civil rights against intense political pressure. The fanatical authoritarianism of the political left is plunging this country headlong into a very dark place from which many nations never return.
"RFRA supporters are like the brave Americans in the Deep South decades ago who stood for black civil rights against intense political pressure."
RFRA supporters are like the brave Americans in the Deep South decades ago who stood against black civil rights against intense political pressure.
Everyone has the right to run a business consistent with their beliefs
No they do not. You can't turn your licensed commercial space into a tool for discriminating against people you hate no matter how bigoted you are. Say and believe what you want, but in business play by the rules.
Everyone has the right to run a business consistent with their beliefs...
If you operate a business that's open to the public, you must serve all of the public.
It's not that hard to understand.
"RFRA supporters are like the brave Americans in the Deep South decades ago who stood for black civil rights against intense political pressure"
No, they're like the christians of the south who enforced gods laws against the jew yankee race mixers. The fanatical authoritarianism of the political right, both then and now, is trying to plunge this country headlong into a very dark place from which many nations never return.
Actually, they're like the segregationists.
You might say, "but the segregationists were Democrats, and these folks tend to be Republican!" True, but it's misleading. It was conservative Democrats, mostly, who opposed civil rights. And most of those who stayed in the party past the '80s recanted their earlier positions, while most of the Repubican't converts stayed the course.
Let's have a look. Robert Byrd, George Wallace, Jamie Whitten, Fritz Hollings (who didn't even fully support segregation in the first place). All apologised for their earlier anti-civil rights actions. But what about the opponents? Strom Thurmond. Jesse Helms. Trent Lott. James Johnson, the Arkansas politician whose political pressure stemming from a conservative primary challenge (familiar?) forced Orval Faubus to appeal to the conservative side of his party with the Little Rock Affair. All became Repubican'ts, and only Lott denounced segregation after intense political pressure on him.
"It is astounding that a nation settled by people who crossed an ocean to live in a wilderness according to their religious beliefs and conscience is now poised to oppress millions...."
Glad you could see the light.
RFRA supporters are like the brave Americans in the Deep South decades ago who stood for black civil rights against intense political pressure.
Then why are they acting like the people who put "Whites Only" signs in their store windows?
"people who crossed an ocean to live in a wilderness according to their religious beliefs and conscience"
LAND, THEY CAME FOR LAND. Personal land ownership and access to vast resources and opportunities therein. A few nutbar Christian communes does not represent the masses that immigrated to the new land.
No, a public business has to follow employment laws, tax laws, health laws, insurance laws, zoning laws .... and public access laws. Get a grip.
the original native Americans may have crossed an ocean --- the Bering strait probably qualifies, even if only on a technicality --- but i dare you to show any solid evidence as to their motivations.
they, after all, were the original settlers of this continent. us johnnie-come-lately palefaces? started out as colonists. slight but important difference.
"RFRA supporters are like the brave Americans in the Deep South decades ago who stood for black civil rights against intense political pressure."
Someone call up the Nobel Prize people, I think we've found some sort of self-awareness singularity. He is both self-aware and unself-aware, it's fascinating.
Fundie mode on *Turning away business has always been good for business* fundie mode off
Seriously, you think you're the pro-business stance?
"It is astounding that a nation settled by people who crossed an ocean to live in a wilderness according to their religious beliefs and conscience..."
Listen, you fucktards. The Pilgrims were not the only or even the first colony to be set up on this continent. These other colonies were started by the English and Spanish governments (St. Augustine being the first colony in this continent). They had nothing to do with religious freedom, they were about making money for the countries they came from.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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